Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Bible Study

We enter this world with a sinful nature.  As we grow older, this sinful life deteriorates and sin taunts you.  The strength of sin manifests itself in your daily life: It becomes evident when you often quarrel with people around you, envy those who are promoted, hate your colleagues, when...

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Teacher’s Day

Who is a teacher?  That person can be someone who taught you in school.  He or she (I shall just use “he” for simplicity from this point on) could also be someone you learnt from through books written by the author.  But the biblical understanding of a teacher is deeper...

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A Call to Fellowship and Service

According to 1 Corithians 12, God has given every Christian one or more spiritual gifts, a special ability that when used in the church will bring great help and blessings to the people in church.  Not only can your gift be a blessing to the church, it is important that...

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We thank God for last evening’s fellowship where we had a fruitful time of brainstorming for ideas about building a fellowship group (the name has yet to be finalized) for adults below the age group of that of the Evergreen Fellowship.  Everyone, I believe, felt that the best part of...

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45th National Day

We celebrate Singapore’s 45th National Day tomorrow.  We as her people have enjoyed much goodness and peace.  These do not come by chance but because we have a good government that cares for her people.  And this government has come by God’s kindness to us.  Thus, as we celebrate the...

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Only If the Lord Wills

At this time when that I am writing this article, the Football World Cup is still in the heat of the contest. Brazil, a five time winner of the World Cup has just been defeated. Many expected Argentina to win this year’s World Cup as they have some of the...

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Bearing Fruit (Part 2)

I shared last week about the need to bear fruit in our inner spiritual life, bearing for instance the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) which is a change of life—putting off bad habits and putting on good habits. This is natural as we have within us the eternal life...

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Bearing Fruit (Part 1)

When I was living in the village, we planted some fruit trees including papaya and banana trees. Some bore fruits. There was a particular fruit tree that grew quite tall after some time and we were quite happy and looked forward to seeing it heavy with fruits. However, we waited...

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Writing a Testimony of Salvation

Every Christian must learn how to share his/her testimony of salvation, that is, how he/she became a Christian. God can use your sharing to lead or attract someone to Christ. The length of your testimony should not be more than 3 minutes long when read out at the usual speed...

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Election of Church Leaders

Tree of Life Christian Church will hold its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27th June 2010, Saturday. We will elect deacons who will form the church committee responsible to the government and who will lead the church with the pastor. The bible in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 lists several criteria:...

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