Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Taking a Wrong Turn

Just a few days ago, I was trying to get to Vivo City by the West Coast Highway but realised only later that the exit nearest to Vivo City was meant only for port users. I had to drive all the way to Keppel Road and make a U-turn back...

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Must I Go, and Empty Handed?

Charles Carroll Luther was a journalist and a lay evangelist before being ordained as a Baptist minister in 1886. He wrote a hymn with the above title in 1887 when he heard Rev. A.G. Upham relate the story of a young man who was about to die. This young man...

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Church Reformation Day

For over 1000 years before Martin Luther (1483-1546), the Christian Church sank into a period of darkness where a false gospel was preached, that salvation comes by doing good works. A Roman Catholic monk was often troubled about his own sin. He often went to a great extent of torturing...

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A Cheap Gospel?

When a person repents of his sins and accepts Jesus as Saviour, Jesus promises him: “Come to me , all who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28).  Christians throughout history can testify to one fact: The gospel is the power of salvation that...

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Christmas Caroling

There is one thing about which I am constantly being reminded of: death. The news we read in the papers and sometimes the things that happen to our neighbours, friends and relatives remind us that sickness or death can happen to anyone. Today you see me in good health, but...

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Success in Life

The Primary School Leaving Examination has just come to an end. This period, including several months before the first paper, was a most trying period for both the child and the parents. It seemed that some parents regard the PSLE as almost decisive for the child’s future well-being. There is...

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How Will You Be Remembered?

Mdm Kwa Geok Choo, the wife of Mr Lee Kuan Yew died several days ago. Following her death, numerous letters of condolences, praises and eulogies in memory of her have poured in. Not only were these praises rightly hers, more importantly, they were, I believe, a great comfort to the...

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Caring for One Another

We thank God for many who have worked hard at studying God’s Word. We also thank God for not a few who spent time caring for and visiting people. We are particularly thankful because they do that in the midst of their busy schedule. We thank God that by their...

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Press On

There are only 3 months to go before the year 2010 ends.  This is as the Chinese saying goes, “Time is like a flying arrow.”  Are you on target in meeting the resolutions you set for the year?  As in a marathon, there will be those who drop out and...

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Become a Blessing

I am thankful to God and am grateful to four Christian brothers.  One often cared for me and made me feel at home in church.  He encouraged me to attend worship service faithfully and to enjoy Christian fellowship.  Another helped me to continue trusting the Lord during difficult times.  Yet...

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