Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Mission Trip to Myanmar

I thank God for a refreshing mission trip to Myanmar last week (5/11/12-9/11/12).  This trip was wholly sponsored by a brother from another church, which included our air tickets, food and lodgings and other miscellaneous expenses.  We thank God for the love of this brother for the Lord.  Several things...

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Family Worship

Parents have a responsibility to provide for their children, to ensure that they are fed and clothed.  If you study God’s Word, however, although the Bible assumes that parents fulfill these duties, the responsibilities emphasized in the Bible are not the physical needs of a child but his spiritual well...

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Guarding Against Spiritual Garbage

Research has shown that what children buy or choose to eat is influenced by advertising.  The Straits Times reports that fourteen major food beverage firms will support efforts to fight obesity by reducing advertising to children in Singapore from Jan 1 next year.  It will, hopefully, lower the risk of...

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Scripture Memory

We embarked on a scripture memory program for the Adult Sunday School in November last year.  The plan is for all to recite the twelve verses that cover the important aspects of a Christian life and these include the following topics: “Christ-Centredness,” “Submit to Christ,” Word of God,” “Prayer,” “Fellowship”...

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Familial Responsibilities

The government has, over the past few years, focused on declining birth rates.  The birth rate of Chinese is 1.08, Indians 1.09 and Malays 1.64.  Mr Lee Kuan Yew raised this concern that “If we go on like that, this place will fold up …”  This coheres with God’s command...

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Growing the Mustard Seed

Since this church was founded three years ago, the Lord has used this church to save a few souls.  Every half yearly, for the last two years, new members were introduced into this church by baptism.  This is possible, firstly, because God’s churches contain an overpowering life, the life of...

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The Meaning of Serving God

After you have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you should serve God.  By the word “serve,” I am not referring first to the content of what you do when serving but its essence.  When I say you should serve God, it means that your entire life, which includes how...

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Adult Sunday School

An article was written in the newspapers, Today, on 10th September 2012.  In it, the author defended the use of proper grammar in journalism and wrote that he “hoped that proper grammar can endure,” and “rules of grammar and usage assist us in expressing ourselves with precision.” Precision in language...

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The Church Teaching Ministry

We had just celebrated Teachers’ Day and I had wanted to write a special note to our teachers in the Adult and Children Sunday Schools but I could not due to several reasons.  Teaching is a critical ministry in church.  This is where important and systematic truths are taught.  In...

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Thanksgiving for the Gospel Rally

Regarding the recent gospel rally, we had been particularly concerned about several issues.  First, our new (we moved into The Spire on 24th of June this year) church premises was not situated in the most accessible location.  Some taxi-drivers were also not familiar with this place.  For those who drove,...

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