Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Numbering Our Days

Decembers always make it feel like time has passed so quickly.  It will be 2014 in just a few weeks and 2013 will become history forever.  Perhaps you are making the final sprint at work; hoping that the year will end on a good note or you may be making...

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Be a Man of Prayer

We have learnt and heard of great men in the past who have done great things for God. I believe they have one thing in common, they are men of prayer. Jacob wrestles with God. God names Jacob Israel who later becomes a great nation Israel. Through his descendants, a...

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Reflecting on 911

We still remember the terrible incident that devastated America when terrorists drove two planes and crashed them into the twin towers of the New York World Trade Centre on 11thSeptember 2001.   I read an article that talked about an interview with a daughter of a famous evangelist.  She was asked...

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The Lord Has Given Us Peace

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) The Lord Jesus said the above to his disciples the night before he was betrayed. Shortly after saying these...

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Reformation Day

Christians commemorate Reformation Day on 31st Oct. On this day in the year 1517, Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses and affixed them to the door of the Castle of Wittenberg on 31st Oct 1517. Born in Germany in 1483, Martin Luther became one of the most influential figures in...

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Caring for the Little Ones

We thank God for our Singapore government who is constructing a social safety net to care for people who are less fortunate.  These plans include providing highly subsidized housing, giving financial assistance to needy students, improving the healthcare system, etc.  I appreciate these measures taken by the government: despite the...

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Be a Man of Great Faith

A recent write-up on Joseph Schooling in the Straits Times reads: “The hardest thing for Joseph Schooling . . . In the call room, he’s still safe.  In the cramped call room, with its eight big men with eight bigger egos; he’s “zoned out,” losing himself in music.  However, Joseph...

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Change in Church Structure for Fellowship

Life in the world is like running a marathon.  It requires strength, endurance, wisdom and many other resources.  Thank God that Jesus is our Saviour who has promised us: “Never will I leave you.  Never will I forsake you” (Heb 13:5).  But the Lord not only promised us the needed...

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Security in the World

An Indonesian housewife was a victim of her husband’s rage and jealousy for over 20 years.  Her husband is in his 50s and worked as a security guard.  Except fetching her children to and from school, he disallows her from going anywhere else.  She was not even allowed to make...

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The Recent Gospel Rally

We faced several challenges in the process of preparing for this year’s gospel rally.  First, the choir.  The second song “My Jesus Fair” was a difficult song.  The choir had only a total of 8 practices.  Not a few are singing in a choir for the first time and are...

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