Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Allow Christ to Be the Center of Your Life

Whenever we make decisions in our daily lives, we can ask ourselves what our primary consideration is. Often times, people would consider their needs and make a decision that would reap the most benefits. If a person achieves his goals at the expense of another person’s interest, we can say...

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Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Part 5

I have extracted a section of the book that discusses the authority of a parent. Below is an extract of what the author says about authority. Our culture does not like authority. It is not just that we do not like to be under authority, we do not like being...

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Buying Another New Premises

Sometime in May or June 2015, we will have two congregations. While one congregation is having Sunday School, the other will have Sunday Worship Service. To do that, we need some more space. We had initially wanted to rent. But God, I believe, has led us to buy a new...

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A Difficult Year Ahead

The year 2015 will be a difficult year. In the first Sunday of May (or more probably, June) this year, the church will worship the Lord on Sunday as two congregations. One will be conducted in Mandarin and the other, in English. The advantages are many. Amongst which is we...

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To Be Rooted in Bible Doctrines

Our church’s theme for 2015 is “To Be Rooted in Bible Doctrines.” We are not moving in a new direction. This has been the church’s theme since 2013. Through the sermons on the pulpit as well as Sunday School classes, we aim to build and strengthen our brethren’s foundation in...

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Commit Your Ways to the LORD in 2015!

Welcome to a brand new year! We thank God for seeing us safely through another year. I am sure you have many things to thank and praise God for. It could be for your health, your family, your achievements or perhaps your setbacks. Nevertheless, we can all agree that it...

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Dedication Sunday 2015

This morning, many of us will stand before God to dedicate ourselves to serve in certain ministries. We will promise before the congregation and God that we will serve Him faithfully. But why do you want to serve God? Do we serve because it is enjoyable? Yes, serving God brings...

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Living for Eternity in the Year 2015

In a just a few days, the year 2014 will be over forever. A full year of 365 days has gone by. These 365 days are like 365 pieces of gold bars. No, each day is far more precious than a gold bar because each day is a day of...

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A Season of Thanksgiving

The arrival of December is a timely reminder that the year will soon be over. How was your 2014? Did you fulfill all the New Year resolutions which you have set for this year? Are you happy with your performance this year? In which areas did you grow and learn?...

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Shepherding the Heart by Tedd Tripp – Part 4

There are two issues that feed into the persons your children become: the shaping influences of life and their Godward orientation. Therefore parenting must address both of these issues, so says the author. Whatever the shaping influences of life, it is the child’s Godward orientation that determines his response to...

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