Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Mission Trip to Northern Thailand

Northern Thailand Gospel Bible Institute was established in 1985.  The teaching staff comprises lecturers from Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.  Since its establishment, this Bible institute has produced 220 pastors who went on to found churches and serve the Lord in various capacities in Thailand and Burma.  Through...

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Be Mindful of What You Say or Share Online

After being rejected by a fellow commuter to give up priority seat to another passenger, a lady posted the man’s photo on her Facebook page and lambasted him openly for his misdeed.  Many netizens joined in to criticize the man as being uncivilized.  The man later clarified that he did...

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Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Tedd Tripp Part 13

According to the author of “Shepherding the Heart,” there is a process of guiding your child.  It refers to helping them understand themselves, God’s world, the ways of God, how sin works in the human hearts, and how the gospel comes to them at the most profound levels of human...

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Not Urgent but Very Important

At first sight, “urgent” and “important” seem to mean the same thing.  In actual fact, they are not only different.  It is critical for you to know their difference.  An example explains my point.  When the phone keeps on ringing, it sounds urgent.  But is it important?  It may or...

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Commemorating Reformation Day

Today we have various Bible translations.  These enable us to understand the Word of God in languages with which we are familia.  Moreover, with electronic Bibles becoming ever more popular, it is really convenient now access the Word of God.  The only worry is that we do not make good...

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Shepherding a Child’s Heart – Tedd Tripp Part 12

The author stresses the importance of having a rich dimension of communication that must lie beneath and support all you say in disciplining your child.  Communication must be multi-faceted and richly textured.  It must include encouragement, correction, rebuke, entreaty, instruction, warning, understanding, teaching, and prayer. All these must be part...

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Adoniram Judson, Father of Baptist Missions – Part 2

Below is an article about Adoniram Judson that is extracted from Wholesome Words. In 1809, the same year he joined the Congregational church, he became burdened to become a missionary. He found some friends from Williams College with the same burden and often met with them at a haystack on...

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Adonirum Judson, Father of Baptist Missions

Below is an article about Adoniram Judson that is extracted from Wholesome Words. Adonirum Judson read at the age of three years, took navigation lessons at ten, studied theology as a child, entered Providence College (now Brown University) at seventeen — despite the fact he spent one year of his...

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Pastor Wang Ming Dao

Below is an article about Pastor Wang Ming Dao that is extracted from Wang Ming-Dao . . . was born in 1900, during the Boxer uprising in China.  This uprising was a revolt against foreign influences that were destroying ancient Chinese culture.  The Wangs were in deadly danger, because...

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Another Phase of Growth

As you look around the worship hall today, you may find all in all about 20 to 40 persons in the room, with many chairs still unoccupied. Or, it may just occur to you that just last week you were serving as greeter and today you are back again in...

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