Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Preparing for Church Camp 2018: Treat Others with Kindness

Last Sunday, I emphasised that if we were to benefit from the church camp, we must have a good heart, “A Heart with Good Soil.” Then the Word of God can bear fruit in you. For that you must prepare a heart that says: “I will obey God’s Word no...

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Preparing for Church Camp 2018: A Heart of Good Soil

In about two weeks’ time, about 90-100 of us will be going to Johore Bahru for Church Camp 2018. We thank God for the Camp Committee for their many hours of faithful and hard work to make our stay there a fruitful one. Manpower and hours of planning are required...

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First Protestant Missionary to Translate the Bible into Chinese (End)

The article below is taken from One can imagine what both men had to go through in those days, coupled with all the hardships and external powers resisting the work. Yet, the Lord raised up these men to persevere in the midst of immense difficulties and lay a foundation...

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First Protestant Missionary to Translate the Bible into Chinese (2/3)

The article below is taken from On May 12, 1807, he sailed on the Trident and arrived in Canton on September 6, that same year. He took residence in the American section of a restricted enclave where the Chinese government allowed foreign traders to live and conduct business with...

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First Protestant missionary to translate the Bible into Chinese(1/3)

The article below is taken from The great English poet and hymn writer William Cowper wrote the following well before Robert Morrison left for China: Great offices will have great talents, and God gives to every man the virtues, temper, understanding and taste that lifts him into life and...

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William Carey: Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God.

As we remember God’s mercy and goodness to Tree of Life Christian Church, let us also resolve to do even greater things for God. The article below is taken from At a meeting of Baptist leaders in the late 1700s, a newly ordained minister stood to argue for the...

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Tomb Sweeping Day

During this time of the year, Chinese would remember their deceased loved ones by visiting the tombs. They would offer prayers, food, and burn incense to the dead. Christians do not pray to the dead or participate in ancestral worship. Amongst several reasons for why we should not do so...

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Beware of Fake News

Not long ago, I received a whatsapp about an airliner giving away free air tickets.  There was a link on which you could click if you were interested in finding out more about the offer. I found it hard to believe. But in order to verify its authenticity, I decided...

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Jesus Christ Died for Me

“TREBES: Tributes flooded in Saturday (Mar 24) for a French policeman who died after offering himself in exchange for a hostage held by an extremist gunman in a supermarket siege, with President Emmanuel Macron hailing him “a hero.” Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame swapped places with a hostage during the supermarket...

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Jesus Christ Has Risen from the Dead!

“If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied” (1 Cor 15:19). Life has happy moments. But the large part of life is filled with tears, anxiety, sufferings, and sorrow. Moses the man of God says in Psalm 90:10: Our...

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