Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Creating new boundaries in unity

Before we knew it. Tree of Life Christian Church is entering its 10th year. I am honoured to witness how this church developed from nothing to its present state: from renting a small room from another church for service to owning two units of our own; from a purely Chinese...

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A New Gospel Outreach

Our church will soon be on the move to the north of Singapore for gospel outreach. We are excited about the move for the fact that we can reach out to a different segment of the population with the gospel.  We have easy access to the new location from the...

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Dwight L. Moody: Revivalist with a Common Touch

The following article is taken from With his boundless physical energy, natural shrewdness, self-confidence, and eternal optimism, Dwight Lyman Moody could have become a Gilded Age industrial giant like John D. Rockefeller or Jay Gould. Instead, he became one of the great evangelists of the nineteenth century. Pony rides...

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A Rare Opportunity?

Ben Davis, an 18-year-old had signed professional terms with English Premier League club Fulham in July last year. He is the first Singaporean footballer to do so with a top-tier English club. He applied for national service (NS) deferment, which was also supported by The Football Association of Singapore (FAS)....

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Facing Life’s Red Sea

I believe we have all read the Bible story of Moses leading the Israelites across the Red Sea. Whenever this story is told, everyone would imagine the scene of how God divided the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to cross over dry ground safely, and then making the waters...

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A Brand New Start in CNY 2019!

During the Chinese New Year, many Chinese would start the exodus of leaving cities where they work or study, to be home for the Chinese New Year. There was an exodus of people recorded in the Bible where God delivered the Israelis from the bondage of slavery by the Egyptians....

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We are not in control of our lives

The media has been carrying news about Aloysius Pang, a Mediacorp actor who often appeared on the Mandarin TV. The 28-year-old died on 23rd January after sustaining injuries while doing repair works inside a howitzer at a Singapore Armed Forces training exercise in New Zealand. The accident was probably unexpected...

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Lives that Count for Eternity

The two men below gave their lives to serve the Lord. They have, as Paul says, “fought the good fight . . . Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness” (2 Tim 4:6-7). How do you intend to live your life: for the world or for...

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Be Brave for Good Works

The church held an Extraordinary Congregation Meeting on the 30th of December to share about our gospel work in the coming year of 2019. I thank God for the attendance and the enthusiasm shown by our brothers and sisters-in-Christ, who asked important questions. The church committee is heartened to know...

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2019 New Year Resolution

If a man fails to plan, he is planning to fail (Benjamin Franklin). If a man fails to execute his plans, he plans to fail too. As we begin a new year, it is always good to resolve in your heart to set goals and a direction for the new...

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