Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

The Dissolving of Doubts—Part 8/8

This series of eight articles was written by Dr Peter Masters and are extracted from There was a young man in our congregation years ago who went off to a university renowned for sport. It was not his subject, but he found every opportunity to excel in his chosen...

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The True Hope of the World

Recently, the government has announced that the nation will be entering phase 3 on 28 December 2020. This is to many, a relatively good “Christmas present”: free Covid-19 vaccination, more social activities can be carried out, and domestic economic activities are expected to recover slightly, et cetera. Among them, the...

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Winning Souls for The Lord

Christmas is around the corner. People from all over the world would be celebrating Christmas with great joy. However, what is the meaning of Christmas? Is it enjoying the Christmas lighting along Orchard Road, or, looking forward to gifts from family and friends, or is it enjoying the bone-in ham...

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The Dissolving of Doubts—Part 7/8

This series of eight articles was written by Dr Peter Masters and are extracted from 6 Goodness to Others Among the lines of reasoning employed by the apostle to show the work of conversion in our lives is an unusual one, taking the form of an exhortation. It is...

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The Dissolving of Doubts—Part 6/8

This series of eight articles was written by Dr Peter Masters and are extracted from 5 Seeing Through the World Our next strong evidence is that of 1 John 2.15: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the...

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The Dissolving of Doubts—Part 5/8

This series of eight articles was written by Dr Peter Masters and are extracted from 3 Sin Has Acquired Consequences A third assurance of salvation is enshrined in 1 John 3.6-9, but at first sight it appears to dash the hopes of a seeker for salvation. It reads: Whosoever...

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Coming Back to the Lord’s Temple

Starting first Lord’s Day of November, our brothers and sisters-in-Christ could return to church for worship and Sunday school, for this we thank God! The feeling of worshipping the Lord together with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ is totally different from that of attending worship alone online in our homes. Seeing...

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Year End Reflection

Time flies and we are now coming to the close of year 2020. Some of us would have completed our year end examinations or performance evaluation. Some may have done well in their respective areas of occupation—whether as students or as employees. However, whether you have or have not done...

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The Dissolving of Doubts—Part 4/8

This series of eight articles was written by Dr Peter Masters and are extracted from A Sense of Our Own Condition A second indication that there is, in all likelihood, spiritual life in us is found in 1 John 1.8-9—“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive...

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Reformation Day

Christians commemorate Reformation Day on 31st Oct. On this day in the year 1517, Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses and affixed them to the door of the Castle of Wittenberg on 31st Oct 1517. Born in Germany in 1483, Martin Luther became one of the most influential figures in...

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