Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

The Last Month before End of First Quarter

We usually keep track of a year by quarters. When we neared the end of last year, we may have said something like, “Time really flies. This is the final month of the year.” At this time, we are nearing the end of the first quarter of the year. To...

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The Lord Has Shown Himself Faithful

Since I was young, I learnt and tried to do many things on my own. I used to have panic attacks and pent-up emotions because I was not the best at talking to people. One good thing, however, was that I grew up believing that someone was up there for...

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Give of Your Best

Crowds were seen in the various wet markets in the days leading to the eve of lunar new year. Thanks to social distancing measures, we did not encounter overcrowding in these places.  For those who frequent the wet markets, they do not mind waking up in the wee hours, endure...

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Blessed Chinese New Year

Glory be to God for seeing us through the past year, a tumultuous year, fraught with uncertainty brought about by the CoViD-19 pandemic. Year 2020 is an unprecedented year which has seen the CoViD-19 virus spread like wildfire through the whole world, several times through. It has destroyed many lives,...

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Relationships We Thought Could Wait

The news reports that many Chinese from Malaysia and China who work in Singapore were very upset that they could not return home to celebrate Chinese New Year with their family members. One mother who after giving birth came to Singapore has not seen her child for one year. The...

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Bring New Friends to Gospel Sundays

On 28 February this year, the fourth Sunday of the month, the church will have our first gospel Sunday. While the speaker tries to make every Sunday’s sermon relevant for everyone (and every Sunday message is relevant to even unbelievers), the messages on a usual Sunday speaks more to Christians...

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Quiet Time: Enjoying the Lord’s Presence

The Quiet Time is a daily event when the Christian reads the Bible and prays. The duration is not long, only about 15 minutes. This short event, however, can do wonders to your soul: it can refresh and energise your soul to face the day’s challenges because during this time,...

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Remembering the homework of 2020

The year 2020 is indeed a year that no one would forget. It is probably the only time after WWII that everyone all over the world went through hard times together. The virus that swept over the world has caught us unprepared. In the past before we  got down to...

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A Pilgrim through this Temporal World

As we begin the year 2021, I am sure many of you have set resolutions for the year ahead. Some of you may have resolved to live a healthier lifestyle, excel in your studies, master a life skill, or aspire to make your first million dollars by 30 years old....

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Serving the Lord in the Year 2021

I thank God for many of you who have come forward to serve the Lord. In fact, many of you have served God faithfully in the past years. May the Lord continue to use you to serve His people this year. I wish you to note several points. A Good...

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