Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Come and See!

The church has been holding Gospel Sunday every month since February. Gospel Sunday’s sermons targets non-christians more directly. They allow them to understand the importance of having Jesus as their Saviour, so as to invite them to come and believe in Jesus. At the same time, a small presentation by...

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Happy Mother’s Day!

I remember fondly my late mother for her sacrificial and unyielding love for me and the family. Be it through her laborious hard work in supplementing the family’s income, being the mediator between my father and us when we got into trouble, ensuring we had a fresh change of bed...

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Are You Handicapped by Fear?

When I received notification from the Ministry of Health WhatsApp, I was slightly taken aback by the number of locally transmitted Covid-19 infection: 16 new cases. This is the highest number since 11 July 2020 last year. In the past on several occasions, I would forget to wear my mask...

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Thanking God on the Church 12th Anniversary

Every year, at this time (4th Sunday of April), we will celebrate the anniversary of Tree of Life Christian Church. Today is the 12th. Our hearts should be filled with thanksgiving and praises to God. Yes, we thank God for new church premises, for keeping us safe through Covid-19, for...

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Men’s Wisdom Can Never Triumph over God’s Truth

The church started studying the book of Genesis last week for our Adult Sunday School. In the first lesson, pastor explained to the class about its author, Moses, and his objective in writing the book. Moses wrote the book of Genesis to persuade the Israelites at the time, after leaving...

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The Power of Prayer

Life is hectic living in the 21st century, when we are so caught up with our career, studies, family and the fast pace of technology and social media. Oftentimes, we miss out the most important things in life. We begin our day hurriedly and go through the motion of performing...

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The Lord Jesus has Risen

Healthy people sometimes do not think about death. Let me exaggerate it: they think that they will not die. This is especially true for people who are doing well in life. The pleasures of this life and their healthy physical bodies can cause them to be insensitive to the fact...

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Why Must You Care for the Church?

Why must you care for the church, Tree of Life Christian Church? The reason is that the church provides safety from life’s dangerous things and events. “Church” refers to human beings, not to a building. It is a group of Christians who worships regularly at a particular physical location, e.g.,...

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Cherish and Manage God’s Home Wholeheartedly

During the pandemic circuit breaker, all physical activities at the church came to a sudden halt. Worship service was only possible via online pre-recording. For brothers and sisters-in-Christ who were accustomed to weekly worshipping in church premises, this arrangement would have caused us to feel that a big piece of...

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Faithfulness in Service

God’s faithfulness is demonstrated in His providence for man. God made the sun to rise every morning and set every evening for generations. We can depend on God because of His faithfulness. He promised He would not fail to keep His promises and we can trust Him to fulfil this...

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