Pastoral Letters are weekly communications from our church pastor to the congregation.  They are mostly original reflections on the Word of God in response to church events or current affairs, local or beyond, with the primary intent to exhort Christians to live rightly before God in the real world.  Short bibliographies are sometimes featured towards the same end.

We pray that these writings will be a great blessing to you!

Rest Well

After a tiring school term, student and teachers could finally find time to relax during the holidays. With the arrival of the year-end school holidays, many will be planning for an overseas trip or holiday activities. There are people, however, who do not know what to do with their spare...

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Bible Reading and Prayer

Research has shown that a healthy breakfast can boost brain power and attention. To keep us healthy, it is important that our diet is rich in fruit and vegetables, and we get regular exercise and sufficient sleep. In the same way, to stay spiritually strong and healthy, we need an...

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Preparing for A Meaningful Christmas

The year is ending! Soon, the year is finishing; soon, our hair has turned grey. We must ask: Does my life count for eternity? If the Lord takes me home this year, will I receive praise from him? God willing, we will have another day or another year to do...

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Reformation Sunday—Part 2

We thank God for raising servants of God to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (Jude 3). I am providing here some information (some paragraphs are copied verbatim from articles not acknowledged here due to lack of space) of the reformation and...

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Reformation Sunday—Part 1

Next Sunday 30th October 2022, we remember Reformation Day (31st October 1517). It is called Reformation because on this day, the church began her return to the true gospel. We shall have more to say in next Sunday’s pastoral letter. For now, I wish articulate some of the important biblical...

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Meditate on God’s Greatness

Living in a city state like Singapore, what our senses feel are mostly man made. The modern and majestic office towers, neighbourhood gardens that are fully equipped, HDB blocks that line the island, a comprehensive traffic network, bustling roads, information that continuously bombards your handphone or monitor screens. Moreover, with...

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Setting Goals For 2023

We are soon coming to the end of the year. Most of our students would have completed their year-end examinations. Many companies are closing their financial year. As we reflect on this year, I am sure that we will recall our many accomplishments. Some may have achieved excellent academic results,...

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Mission Trip to North-East India

I wish to thank you again for supporting me in the recent mission trip. Your financial, practical and spiritual supports, especially upholding me in prayer, are not only important to me, but they are also your responsibility to the God as a Christian. This is as the Lord has commanded...

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Saving Souls

I send greetings from Siliguri, North East India. Before I share the pastoral letter, I want to thank all of you for praying for me. God heard your prayers. The way here was slightly eventful. I had packed a big bag containing some old clothes and other things for the...

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Will tomorrow be better?

The Russian-Ukraine War has been raging on for more than half a year. The Ukraine army has recently been fighting back to recover a lot of lost territory. Will the war end soon? For now, many are unsure that the war would truly end in the near future. The world’s...

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