The Transience of Human Life

At this time when I’m writing the pastoral letter, the PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) has fallen to 70, considered to be “moderate” air quality.  Just a few days ago, the index rose to as high as over 400, regarded as “hazardous” to health.  During those few days, we could not take our regular walks in a nearby park.  We also had to close all windows to shut off the haze.  The feeling was almost unbearable as shutting almost all windows made the house humid and warm.  Furthermore, we had to sleep with almost all windows closed  at night.  The house felt dusty, warm and we felt itchy (whether it was real or psychological, I did not bother to ascertain).  But just a few days ago, we were living normally and happily.  Then overnight, everything changed–the whole of Singapore was covered with haze and also misery.  How temporal our happiness is!  That is also what the bible says:

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14).

Consider these several observations about life.  First, no matter how healthy you are now, your health will one day fail you at death.  Second, to worsen matters, sometimes even before death comes, we are struck with serious problems.  Several years ago, we had SARS.  Today, we are experiencing haze and face also a potential threat from MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) caused by a SARS-like virus.  Today, we are prosperous, but tomorrow, this happy situation may take a turn for the worse.  My intention is not to paint dark clouds over the already hazy environment.  I wish all to understand that we human beings are not in control of our own well being.  Thus, James wisely continues (James 4:15-16):

Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”  As it is, you boast in your  arrogant schemes.  All such boasting is evil.

Let’s recognize that our success, the well being of our family, our health or the success of our plans for the future is totally dependent on God.  This provides two guiding principles for life.  First, we have every reason not to worry about our future.  God who loves you eternally, who is all omniscient (all wise and knowing) and omnipotent (all powerful) will ensure that we are well for all eternity.  Do your part in making wise plans, work hard, and then you can sleep well every night because God will take care of the rest.

Second, our success depends on God alone.  Therefore, walk according to His will.  Plans or things that displease God, that are sinful or that which will pull you away from God are definitely outside of God’s will for your life.  Shun away from these evil plans and thoughts.  Temporal joy and advantages may accompany evil plans, but long lasting hurt and sorrow await those who compromise or are unfaithful to God.

What life goal are you pursuing now?  What are your plans for your future or children?  Are they in God’s will?  Will they draw you or your family away from God?  Remember: the Lord Jesus Christ must be in the centre of your decisions.  Then you and your family will be blessed by the Lord.