Annual Congregational Meeting

The church will meet on 31st of March 2013 for our Annual Congregational Meeting.  As the government considers the church a society, we are required to hold such a meeting so that members of the church can be kept informed of the progress of the church.  Elections of leaders will also be held.  Members are required to attend.  We also welcome and urge all, including those who regularly worship with us, to attend.  We will give an update of the spiritual progress and matters related to how money is being used.  Please come.

I thank God for many of you.  Our church has made some progress because you have worked hard.  The Lord has used you.  Praise the Lord.  I also want to take this opportunity to thank our leaders: Elder Teo Chin Tian, Elder Liu Kerh Li, Deacon Koo Sin Kok and also Deaconess Foo Sio Siong, their spouses and also children.  For the past year and years, they have faithfully laboured for the Lord.  They, like any of us, are not perfect people, but they are people who love the Lord sincerely in their hearts.

First, the Bible says: “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers” (Pro 11:14).  Hence, I thank each of them, without exception.  You leaders have so kindly helped carry my burden.  In making critical decisions for the church, it’s a relief that you are wise people with whom I can discuss issues.

Second, this team of leaders do not only make decisions, they have been exemplary (but please do not expect them not to make mistakes) in their walk with the Lord and their testimony.  In serving God, they have made many sacrifices.  They need to teach, lead, plan and care.  These take away many hours of their week.  They would have less time to rest and spend with their family.  The pressure of the church is constantly on them.  Also, they often have to take the blame when things go wrong.  So, do remember to thank them for their leadership.  When things go wrong, be gracious to them.  They of all people also want things to go well.  Leaders can be very lonely people.  Please pray for them and support them.

But they are not only the ones making sacrifices, we must also thank their spouses and children, for supporting them.  When our leaders serve God, their spouses and children would also spend less time with them.  Furthermore, members have high expectations of their spouses and children in their testimony—this adds pressure on them.  Hence, thank you spouses and children.  But take heart, because the Lord will not only bless the leaders, He will also bless you for supporting them in serving God.  In fact, you are serving God too by being a support to them.

The author of Hebrews rightly reminds us: “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account.  Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you” (Heb 13:17).

But I thank God not only for the leaders.  I thank God for you as a church too during my prayers for you.  The Lord has moved many of you to serve Him faithfully.  Sometimes your labour is done quietly behind the scene.  But the Lord knows your labour for Him and your praise from God is no less.  I praise the Lord for you.  May we love our Lord more, follow and serve Him faithfully because He is good.