Family Worship

Parents have a responsibility to provide for their children, to ensure that they are fed and clothed.  If you study God’s Word, however, although the Bible assumes that parents fulfill these duties, the responsibilities emphasized in the Bible are not the physical needs of a child but his spiritual well being.  Thus, the Book of Proverbs speaks often of the father or mother as someone who teaches the child to obey God’s Word.  Moses likewise exhorts the father (Deu 6:6-7)

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

This means that your most important responsibility as a father or mother is to train your child to honour God in his life and to walk in God’s holy ways.  You may give your child the best clothes and food but if you fail to make effort to educate him to believe in the Lord Jesus and to walk according to His commandments, you would be an irresponsible parent.  But why would you not teach him God’s ways?  If he grows up to be a man who fears God, he will be a blessed man all his life (Psa 1:1-2) because

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.

Likewise, as a husband or wife, you would have really loved your spouse only if you truly care for his or her spiritual well being.

One way to ensure a regular intake of spiritual food is the family altar or family worship.  It is a time when the whole family, husband and wife, together with the children come to worship the Lord and pray.  You can do all or some of the following things.

First, sing some songs or hymns and read a short passage of the Bible.  The husband or wife can give a short explanation and application.  Alternatively, you can read aloud an explanation taken from some Christian literature or website.  Second, each person should share his or her prayer and thanksgiving items.  Then, take turns to pray aloud for the one on your left or right.

Third, keep the family altar short.  It can be about 15 minutes and held either everyday or once a week.  The head of the family, the father or husband will lead this time of family worship.  He should command commitment from everyone.  Set a time and day, and when the time comes, everyone should put aside whatever he or she is doing.  If for some reasons, the family cannot come together on a particular day, set another day and everyone must make effort to attend.  Carry on with the family even if not all could be present.

Set a time and day.  Get some hymn or song books.  There are also booklets containing short exhortations available in Christian bookroom or Christian websites.  More importantly, everyone must be committed to attend.  Then God’s blessings will come upon the whole family.