A Balanced Spiritual Diet

Nutritionists rightly urge us to have a balanced diet.  In fact, the diet should be so varied that not only, for instance, should you eat fruits, you should eat different types of fruits.  Should a diet lack certain nutrition because our meals are not wholesome, it will cause you to become unhealthy.  In a similar way, we need a balanced spiritual diet.  What constitutes a wholesome spiritual diet?

Before discussing what a wholesome spiritual diet is, it is important to understand a truth: Just as it is difficult to get a wholesome diet if the setting of your meals is that of a fast food restaurant, you cannot get a balanced spiritual diet if you do not live in a right spiritual environment.  You need to live in a right spiritual setting: the church.  In the church, the Lord has set up a system that ensures that you pursue four areas that will effectively spur spiritual growth: Bible, Fellowship, Evangelism and Prayer.  Thus, you must faithfully attend Sunday Worship Service and be an active member of the church.

The Bible.  Jesus said: “Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4).  It is important that you have a teachable heart as you hear the sermons on Sunday.  Your mindset should be: I want to understand a bit more about this Bible

passage that is preached and how I should obey this part of the Bible.  Do also stay back for Adult Sunday School after worship.  After all, you are already in church.  Not only do you learn to interpret the Bible, you also learn from each other as how to apply the passage you are studying to your life.  Above all, keep your Quiet Times: Read your Bible and pray daily.

Christian Fellowship.  You cannot run the Christian race alone.   It is a blessed race but it is tough.  You need people around you to encourage and comfort you (Hebrews 10:24-25), and to be your watchman, reminding or even rebuking you when you turn away from God’s way.  Have good loving talks during refreshment time.  More importantly, build your relationship with Christians of this church.  Share your joys and hurts.  Keep in touch during the weekdays too.

Evangelism.  We are called to be the salt and the light of the world (Matt 5:13-14).  Jesus commanded us to preach the gospel (Matt 28:18-20).  You must live your life in such a way that shows God’s holiness, love and wisdom.  Your life must attract people to Christ.  Then you would have lived a full and meaningful life.  Do not waste your life away—your life must be used to do things that last for eternity—salvation of souls.

Prayer.  The Bible commands us to “pray continually” (1 Thess 5:17).  We have many needs.  God is willing to provide for your needs but He wants you to pray to Him.  But does not God know what we need even before we ask?  Why then does He want you to pray?  The reason is that prayer is an act of faith (Luke 18:6-8), that you believe He can provide you what you need and God rewards faith (Hebrews 11:6).

You can kneel down in your room to pray.  But you can also pray as you walk or wash your dishes.  You can pray anytime and anywhere.  What is prayer?  Prayer is talking to God like you talk to your parents.  How should you pray?  When you want something from your father, how do you ask him?  You will ask from Him without fear in simple words and with respect.  This is how you can pray to God: Talk to Him like you talk to your earthly father because God indeed is your Father.  He loves to hear you talk to Him and ask things from Him.

If you are willing to hunger after God’ Word, love each other, be a good testimony and pray continually, you will grow to be a good and blessed Christian.