The Adult Sunday School builds on this biblical model. After worship service, we divide into small groups. This is the Adult Sunday School. The present Adult Sunday School comprises a Chinese speaking group, an English speaking group and a group made up of elderly Christians. For the past few months, we have been studying the Book of Matthew.
As the pastor of this church, I will first teach the Adult Sunday School teachers during the weekdays. These teachers will then prepare lessons and teach according to the needs and level of their assigned groups. Apart from teaching almost every Sunday and taking much time to prepare their lessons during weekdays, these teachers are also church elders and deacons who have to lead the church. I thank God for them. I encourage you to set aside this time to attend as you will be richly blessed and encouraged as you study God’s Word together. The Adult Sunday School facilitates learning.
First, by grouping the students appropriately (e.g., by language of communication, age, etc.), the teacher can tailor his lesson and teach according to the needs of that group. This also facilitates discussion among group members as all can speak at the same level.
Second, a good way of learning is through questions and answers. This is a time that you can clarify your doubts not only because you get to ask questions but also because the teacher is likely to be able to give you a good answer because he has studied the bible text under discussion in some depth during his preparation.
Third, the whole purpose of learning is not to add to your store of bible knowledge but that you can know how to live your life in a manner that pleases God. Small group discussion makes that possible. During this time, you learn not only from the teacher but also from other group members. You can hear how others appropriate this part of God’s Word in their Christian living. You can get to know and hence identify with their fears and struggles in life. You will also get to hear of how God’s children experience victory as they obey God’s Word. This is one of the most important and greatest blessings of Adult Sunday School. Through sharing and learning together, you get to know other Christians better because you understand and share his struggles and joy.
Fourth, the Adult Sunday School also seeks to instill good Christian disciplines. We put on good habits best when we do it as a group as groups provide a positive “group pressure,” encouragement and reminders. Furthermore, in each group, there is also an assigned person who will regularly check on the group members. In other words, group accountability spurs a person to change. Here, you are also disciplined to systematically study the Bible.
Heed my advice. Attend the Adult Sunday School faithfully. The duration is only an hour and a hal but the blessings it brings last eternity.