The Frailty of Humans Beings

An ash cloud from a volcano in Iceland shut down hundreds of flights in northern Britain and elsewhere in Europe. Last year, the Icelandic volcano eruption led to no fly zones that stranded 10 million passengers and cost the air industry an estimated US$1.7 billion in lost revenue. Despite man’s many brilliant technological advancement including sending astronauts into space and things we use in our everyday life, this volcanic eruption, amongst many other natural disasters, reminds us again of the frailty of human beings—we cannot contain the awesome power of nature.

A Biblical Perspective

If you understand this, you will be able to better appreciate how great our Lord Jesus is: When Jesus’ disciples who were experienced fishermen were about to drown in the Sea of Galilee, they begged Jesus for help. The Lord Jesus just by His word calmed the raging storm. In response, His disciples exclaimed: “Who then is this that He commands even winds and water, and they obey Him?” (Luke 8:25)—Jesus is Lord of nature.

A Right Response

Luke who wrote this gospel and noted the response of His disciples who witnessed this miracle was trying to elicit the same response from us, today’s readers: We must understand that Jesus is the Almighty God and we need to submit to the Lord accordingly.

First, you need to understand that there are simply too many things that are beyond your control: From the monstrous Icelandic volcanic eruption to the microscopic killer SARS virus. Your money and intelligence can only carry you that far but they cannot guarantee your safety or buy you true peace, happiness or everlasting life.

Second, for that reason, you need the Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. He is your true guarantee because nothing is impossible with Him. If you are not a Christian, you must understand that you need Jesus. Believe in Him, that is, receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. In everything, submit to His instructions and leading. Since He loves you and is almighty, you will never be disadvantaged when you obey Him. Honour Him and He will honour you. He is your true help.

Is there anything that you know is wrong or sinful and yet you are still holding on to it? If you truly believe that you need Jesus, obey Him by putting away sin. Things that displease God will never bring true and lasting happiness. Sin tastes sweet in the mouth but when it enters your stomach it turns bitter. In the same way, you may enjoy the fruit of sin for a little but after that, there will be consequences that will ruin your life. Flee from sin. Is there something that you know you should do for the Lord but you are disobedient? If you truly believe that the way that He leads is safe and good, walk in that path. Obey Him. He will be your strength and help as you obey Him and walk the narrow path, the blessed path.