Freedom to Worship God

Several weeks ago, a Chinese newspaper reported that at a harbour in a neighbouring country, a cargo containing 5000 bibles in the Malay language was retained in the year 2009. The authorities continued to retain the bibles despite that the Prime Minister of that country ordered them to be released. In addition, another 3000 bibles were again retained in another harbour just recently. Such an incident should remind us Christians that we should not take the freedom to worship God for granted. But what is there to lose if we cannot worship God freely?

Proverbs 29:18

Where there is no prophetic vision

the people cast off restraint,

but blessed is he who keeps the law (Prov 29:18).

The word “vision” does not refer to the aspirations or forward planning of a person. The second sentence that talks about the “law” of God tells us that ”vision” refers to the revelation or word that comes from God. Thus, this verse means that when human beings do not get to hear the word of God preached or explained, God’s “people” will lead a life that is corrupt which will result in God removing His blessings from us.

Importance of Church and the Bible

People who do not take coming to church to worship God seriously simply do not understand how weak we humans are. First, the Bible without apology accuses us that “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick, who can understand it?” (Jer 17:9). Only God can cleanse the dirt and dead men’s bones from our lives. If you are not cleansed, you will live a dirty and corrupt life and then incur God’s wrath. Hence, people who do not worship God faithfully often live lives that are morally and spiritually corrupt. The result is that they live under the fury of God and God is not willing to bless them. Be faithful in church attendance. Be teachable and humble and receive the word that is preached and taught like a newborn babe who yearns after pure milk. Then, when the germs and viruses, dirt and poisonous toxins are cleansed from your heart, you will grow to become a beautiful person in the eyes of God and men. That which makes you beautiful are not your externals but your heart and it must be a heart that resembles your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, full of grace and truth.

Second, people who do not come to church on Sundays or take in God’s word regularly simply do not understand that we human beings lack wisdom. If you do not know the future, how can you plan for tomorrow? Even if you know the future, you cannot change it to your advantage. Thus the Bible wisely reminds us that only if the Lord blesses, then you can succeed in life: “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’ – yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that’” (Jam 4:13-15). You need the Lord to survive. Therefore, fear Him. You lack wisdom. Therefore, be diligent and read your Bible. Be attentive and receive God’s Word gladly when it is preached. Then your life will grow, bear fruit and become a beautiful garden, satisfying yourself and blessing others.