I feel that sometimes Christians do not know how urgent this task of sharing the gospel is. The Bible has never been wrong in anything that it says. In fact, it has demonstrated itself to be amazingly accurate in all areas including science, archeology, history, geography, prophecy, etc. Take for instance, it contains thousands of prophecies and every prophecy that was to be fulfilled at a particular time had always been fulfilled to its very detail. Not only is it accurate, it has proven itself to be 100% accurate with not even a single error. This is a fact that you can verify for yourself.
This is what the Bible says: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). It also says: “for the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23). This death refers not only to physical death but eternal death in hell.
Jesus also clearly proclaims: “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). The Bible that has never been wrong clearly tells you that only Jesus can save your loved one. All other ways lead to eternal destruction. If your loved one, whether that person is your husband, children or sibling, does not have Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you will be separated from him forever at death. You will enjoy heaven but your loved one who loves you will for his sin suffer eternal torment because God is absolutely holy and must punish sin. The Bible, however, also says that “for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
The Bible has never been wrong but has proven itself to be amazingly accurate. What it says as above will come true: Without Jesus, a person will perish for eternity but whoever receives Him as Saviour receives eternal life. Thus, your loved one must have Jesus and you have the responsibility to bring salvation to him. If he perishes because you did not share the gospel with him, God holds you responsible (Ezekiel 3:17-18). How can you say you love him but yet not give him the most valuable thing: eternal life?
I urge you to pray for him. With God, nothing is impossible. I know of people who seem impossible but who finally received the Lord after 20 years of prayer. You need also to be a good Christian. How can your loved ones believe that you are serious about your God if you are not even faithful in worshipping and serving God? Your action speaks louder than your words. How can he want to be a Christian when you cannot even behave like one? You need to follow the Lord seriously. You need to show Christian love and maintain a holy lifestyle if you ever hope to attract him to Christ. The church has various activities including Sunday worship services, fellowship meetings, gospel rallies and Basic Bible Class. Do not shy away from inviting him to attend. God can work if you trust Him. The gospel is powerful and it can soften hearts and save souls. Therefore, put in effort by being faithful to God and praying for him. God can use you to save him or her. If you love him or her, give your loved one Jesus and hence eternal life.