Happy Teachers’ Day

“SINGAPORE—The presidential election may have overshadowed Teachers’ Day this year, but Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong wanted to make sure that teachers’ contributions are not forgotten. In a TikTok video posted on Thursday, Mr Wong paid tribute to teachers by playing an acoustic instrumental rendition of American pop star Taylor Swift’s hit song Love Story on his guitar. He also thanked all teachers for their hard work and sacrifices in the video, which has amassed over 22,000 views.”

We thank God for teachers who have in one way, or another, shaped our character. We thank our teachers for their love, care, guidance, mentorship, inspiration, and dedication. We should likewise thank our teachers in church.

Behind the scenes and unseen to many, teachers would often spend hours preparing for Sunday School lessons. Many sacrifice their leisure time to read up, research, and create engaging content to impart God’s word accurately and with passion. The teachers’ goal is always ensuring God’s word is taught accurately and our students understand and apply God’s Word in their lives. What brings immense joy to the teacher is students to grow to love God and His Word with changed lives. They put away unhealthy habits and adopt godly habits to be the person God would want them to be and to live a vibrant Christian life.

As much as teaching is rewarding, God has also set a high standard for teachers. Teachers need to take teaching seriously and live an exemplary life. Teaching is not a mere delivery of the lesson outline, but a teaching that results in changed lives. It is also not an academic exercise in just being able to answer questions.

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. (Titus 2:7-8)

Teachers have to uphold teaching accurately the word of God. They must also be exemplary in their conduct and speech and be able to bear a good testimony. Teachers must be faithful and wise in teaching the Word of God. Teachers play a critical role in serving as a role model for students. God further encourages us with the gift of teaching,

So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

Are you keen on building the lives of God’s people?  Take the step of faith to be a teacher. There are great rewards for being a teacher. By teaching, you will gain more knowledge from studying the word of God. As teachers, there will be personal growth and a closer walk with God. The greatest reward would be to see the lives of your students grow in maturity in their faith and service for God.

As we celebrate Teachers’ Day, let us, as teachers, remind ourselves of the standards that God has set for us. Let us be in much prayer for our own spiritual life and the spiritual life of our students. Let us take seriously our teaching with gentleness and humility as we impart God’s truth.

As students, let us take this opportunity to thank our teachers. Teachers can sometimes be discouraged or disheartened. Let us do our part to thank and appreciate our teachers.  You could write a simple “thank you” card or a “thank you” note through Whatsapp or Telegram.  I am sure teachers will appreciate your small token of appreciation.  To all teachers—Happy Teachers’ Day.