Seize the Day to Preach the Gospel

In the Straits Times article dated 5th July 2022 with this headline “Seizing the opportunity to move Singapore forward” the Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong launched “Forward Singapore” (Forward SG), a year-long national conversation which aims to harness the views of Singaporeans to shape the nation’s future and renew its social compact.

As much as our fourth-generation leader would want to seize the opportunity to move Singapore forward, it is pertinent that we, as Christians, should seize the opportunity to advance the gospel.

In two weeks’ time, on the 24th of July 2022, our church will be having our Gospel Sunday. It has taken us several months to prepare for this Gospel Sunday. We started praying for our friends to attend the Gospel Sunday on a weekly basis. Two of us will be sharing our live-changing testimonies. The church choir will sing. Our pastor will preach the gospel message.

Each Gospel Sunday should bring excitement to our church. Gospel work is the heartbeat of our Lord Jesus Christ and our church. Our Lord Jesus Christ was moved with compassion when he saw the multitudes who were lost. Matth 9:36—38 reads “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’”

We should shudder at the thought that our loved ones will perish for all eternity without the gospel.  Let us pray that we will be one of the labourers to go out to the harvest field and win souls for our Lord.

May the love of Jesus Christ our Lord move us so that we too can go and preach the gospel to the lost souls.

These are a few things we can do in preparing for the Gospel Sunday. First and foremost, all of us should pray. Pray that God will send labourers to the harvest fields.

Second, pray for yourself. Pray that you too can be that labourer whom our Lord will send to the harvest field. Pray that you will have the same compassion as our Lord when he saw the multitudes who are lost in Matthew 9:36.

Third, strengthen your spiritual health by living a vibrant Christian life. Keep away from sin and sinful habits. Establish a regular quiet time to read and meditate on God’s Word. Pray fervently for the gospel meet that God will give you the courage and boldness to invite your friends and loved ones to hear the gospel.

This is a spiritual exercise when we invite our friends and family to the gospel meet. As we work hard for the gospel, know that God’s archenemy, Satan, will also be working hard to put obstacles in our path. Let us be mindful to be united as a church in winning souls.

It is pertinent that we pray that God’s truth will be powerfully preached, even as the Holy Spirit convicts sinners of sin and moves them to repentance to receive Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour.

We should not feel discouraged or disheartened should our invited guests not come for the Gospel Sunday. We have at least done our part in inviting them to the gospel meet. The gospel seed is shown. Persevere to make effort to keep in touch and pray often for them. There are so many of us who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as our friends persisted in praying for us. Let us be that persistent friend to someone else to pray for his or her soul.

Sharing the gospel is not an option but a commandment from our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ has given us the authority to make disciples of all nations. Let us go in His power to tell others of the salvation grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There is no greater work than gospel work. Our soul is of infinite value. Matthew 16:26 says, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” May we look forward to the exciting opportunities and do the greatest work of gospel work.

May we seize the day to do gospel work. Do not miss this golden opportunity to invite your loved ones to come for the coming Gospel Sunday meet.