Are You Handicapped by Fear?

When I received notification from the Ministry of Health WhatsApp, I was slightly taken aback by the number of locally transmitted Covid-19 infection: 16 new cases. This is the highest number since 11 July 2020 last year. In the past on several occasions, I would forget to wear my mask and only realised it after I entered the lift. This time, however, I did not forget, thanks in part to the latest MOH notification. Will the situation escalate? Will I contract the infection? I suddenly felt the need to alert my family to be more vigilant. I wonder how you reacted to the latest infection figure. Are you considering stopping certain activities, or taking pre-Phase 3 measures (we are now in Phase 3)? Are you starting to fear? Taking a step back and reflecting, Covid-19 is only one type of fear. The fact is, there are many things that can strike fear in our hearts. Fear is good if it makes us careful in a level-headed way. But a runaway fear is like a driverless car that does not bring safety but handicaps life. Is any fear in your life preventing you from doing what is pleasing to God? I am not talking just about Covid-19. I am talking about any type of fear in your life. Are you handicapped by fear?

Some 2,800 years ago, southern Israel (Judah) was threatened by foreign powers, including nations north of Israel, northern Israel (also called Israel) and Syria. The king of Judah was Ahaz. He and his people were frightened. The fact is, they had every legitimate reasonto fear: Syria and Israel were about to unite forces to attack Judah. Judah was no match for these northern enemies. Not only was Judah fearful, Judah was tempted to do something that sinned against God: enlist the help of another foreign nations, which would later also cause Judah to compromise on their faithfulness to Yahweh their God. This is what fear does: it can cause you to stop following or serving God. It can handicap you so that you do not do as you ought to do.

Listen to the prophet Isaiah’s admonition to you in Isa 8:12,

    Do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.

Listen again to his warning in Isa 7:9,

If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.

We must not think like the world which does not know the true and living God. How can you, who is a child of God, whose Saviour is the Creator of the universe and of life, be afraid just like the godless world?

Listen to Isaiah: “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all” (Isa 7:9). That is, not only will you be afraid, your fear will bring you down completely so that you are totally defeated. Instead of staying safe, your world will collapse. Indeed, as Jesus our Lord says, “for whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me will save it” (Luke 9:24).

Is fear of someone or something hindering you from serving the Lord or doing what pleases God? We should be cautious in life. But if being cautious in a particular matter will hinder your faithfulness or service to your Lord, then that fear is something that displeases God. It must be sacrificed at God’s altar. Is there any such fear in your life? Are you handicapped by fear?

Dear child of God, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6-7). Don’t fear. Rather, trust the Lord to take of you. Serve the Lord faithfully.