Thanking God on the Church 12th Anniversary

Every year, at this time (4th Sunday of April), we will celebrate the anniversary of Tree of Life Christian Church. Today is the 12th. Our hearts should be filled with thanksgiving and praises to God. Yes, we thank God for new church premises, for keeping us safe through Covid-19, for healthy church attendance, et cetera. Perhaps you may say, “But my life has been the same since last year. In fact, this year I just lost this or that. Do I have things for which to thank God?” There are some things for which we must thank God, things far more important than others.

First, thank God for salvation. No matter how “good” a life you have now, one day, this “good” life will end when we leave this world. For a Christian (a person who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour), our joy continues into eternity. We also look forward to receiving a resurrection body that will never sin, fall sick or die. You have escaped forever the torments of hell due to your many sins because Jesus has washed away all your sins. There will be eternal joy for us. Many of you found salvation and eternal life through the ministry of this church. God was pleased to use Tree of Life Christian Church to bring you the precious gift of eternal life. For that, you must thank God during this church 12th anniversary.

Second, thank God that in this church you could grow in knowledge of the Bible. Here, you have learned to differentiate truth from many false teachings, including cults, charismatism, liberal teachings, “health, wealth, and prosperity gospel,” “word of faith” teachings, and many worldly harmful mindsets related to marriage, recreation, money, etc. Because you know the truth, Jesus says that “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32) from bondage to sin and Satan.

Third, thank God for godly and kind Christians in this church who have cared and worked hard for your spiritual growth. You have also grown in holiness, without which no one will see God (Heb 12:14). What caused the good change in behaviour? It is not by chance. As human beings, we will imitate people around us. You will definitely imitate someone, who is either a good or bad example. We thank God for the many good examples of Christians in this church through whom you have learned to live a godly life. Your change did not come by chance. Thank God for people who have been praying for you faithfully, including during the Tuesday church prayer meeting and during their private prayers. Thank God for people in this church who have comforted and helped you in difficult times, who did not give up on you.

Fourth, thank God for the privilege of serving. If you could be a secretary to the Prime Minister, you will be most proud. When you serve in church, you serve not a great man but the greatest being, the God who created the heaven and the earth. The work you do, big or small, has eternal value. Thank God for being able to serve in church.

There are many many other things for which you can thank God. The most important thing is: as you faithfully attend Sunday Worship service, fellowship with other Christians, attend classes, and serve, you will receive strength to obey your Lord and Saviour. Then amazing things happen: you will experience the powerful and comforting presence of the true and living God. Why? Because Jesus promises that “whoever has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show Myself to them” (John 14:21). The Lord will “show” Himself to you by His presence in your life. It is because of the Lord’s presence in your life, made real through the fellowship of God’s children (that is, the church), that you have emerged unharmed even in dangerous times of life. Count your blessings this 12th anniversary. Then thank and praise God from your hearts today and daily.