The Danger Of Disobeying The Truth

We live in an age of an explosion of information. These information and knowledge we have, to a certain extent, made our lives more convenient and even help us make better decisions. However, if the information we possess is wrong, no matter how much information we have, it would not help us. It would, however, mislead us and thus bring losses. Therefore, whenever we receive new information, we should learn to distinguish between true and false, and make sure its source is reliable, especially if the topics involved have a major impact on our daily lives or life journey; such as investment, purchasing a house, choosing a life partner, treatment method for an illness, et cetera. Of course, with the correct information, we still require correct judgment and response. Then, we can then truly benefit from these information. Take the simple action of wearing a mask as an example. One of the major measures against which people protested was wearing a mask when stepping out of the house. This measure’s effectiveness is obvious to all. However, even with the facts presented so plainly, there are still some who choose not to obey such an order. This is one of the reasons why the pandemic is not contained in certain countries even after so long. It is also an example of possessing true and reliable information but still being unwilling to obey. Why is it that even with the truth presented so plainly, these people still do not obey? The reasons given by them are comical: the mask impedes my freedom to breathe fresh air; my life is my own, I can do whatever I want with it; wearing a mask is troublesome; because Covid-19 is a deceptive tactic political leaders use to scare the citizens, et cetera. This highlights an outlook on life that is egoistic in its interpretation and response to objective facts. Without the guidance of objective truths, people do whatever they want. It appears to be freedom, but it is chaos and losing one’s way. This was like the Israelite’s situation during the Judges’ period when they did not respect God: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). This was a dark period for the Israelites. They led lives of debauchery and sin filled the society so that they suffered the bitter fruit of sin and lost God’s blessing. More than 500 years ago, the church also faced such a dire situation. The churches of those times abandoned God’s word and instead followed Man’s traditions and intellect. They also preach a false gospel, causing sin to multiply rampantly.

How did the church walk out of such darkness? When she returned to God’s truth, the Bible. In the 16th century, God raised up a group of Reformation vanguard. Those more well-known amongst them were Martin Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. They sternly called on church leaders and believers to believe in the Bible and to use the truths revealed in the Bible as foundations for their lives and faith. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Heb 4:12). When people are willing to obey the truth of God and allow it to guide them, instead of disregarding it and acting wilfully, amazing changes begin to take shape. The church once again becomes a placed filled with God’s grace, the brightness of holiness replaces the darkness of sin. Without the reformation, today’s church is just a man-made organization, no different from other societies. The church would not be able to preach the gospel of salvation, and so generations of people, including we, would be condemned to perish. Therefore, at the end of every October, we must remember the Reformation with hearts of gratitude. October 31st is Reformation Day and our church has set the month’s last Sunday as Reformation Sunday to commemorate this very significant event.

The history of reformation is evidence to God’s word as the truth. It enables those who believe in it to enjoy true freedom, break the shackles of sin, experience God’s love and grace, and change their lives. The truth of God is an objective fact. Its absoluteness cannot be determined by Man. When people question its reliability and absoluteness, they, in fact, argue with no basis, just like arguing that people can live without breathing. Unfortunately, many, including Christians, harbour doubts about the absoluteness of God’s Word. We should recognise the warning from Israel’s Judges period and the dark ages of the church. We also have to pray that God would move and soften our hearts, remove our unbelief and let us love the truth that God has preserved for us to this day. Otherwise, the consequence will definitely be worse than that of not wearing a mask and contracting Covid-19. “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2Thess 2:9-12).

translated by Davina Seet