Be Brave for Good Works

The church held an Extraordinary Congregation Meeting on the 30th of December to share about our gospel work in the coming year of 2019. I thank God for the attendance and the enthusiasm shown by our brothers and sisters-in-Christ, who asked important questions. The church committee is heartened to know that everyone regards evangelism as important. Frankly speaking, when the church committee first decided to hold an ECM, we do not know what the congregation’s reaction would be, especially with regards to the matter of moving the church to a new location. Even we, the church committee, foresee numerous challenges, and are concerned about the repercussions it might bring. After the ECM, however, we are grateful to God because the feedback received were very positive. This showed the unity of brothers and sisters-in-Christ. Such unity is hard to come by and is precious. Moreover, you have given greater courage to the committee to make more concrete plans and strategies.

Let us reiterate some important points that were raised during the meeting. The growth in the congregation of the Tree of Life Christian Church was largely brought about by the brothers and sisters-in-Christ bringing to church their friends and loved ones. Sharing the gospel with people closest to us is the most basic and important part of gospel work. Mark 5:1-20 records the incident about Jesus restoring a demon-possessed man. Jesus then said to him: “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how much he has mercy on you.” The Bible then tells how the man spread the word concerning what Jesus did for him.

“So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed” (Mark 5:20). We are the ambassadors of the gospel to the people around us. As they are closest to us, they are those who could see the changes the Lord had made in our lives most clearly. The church will provide the fullest support to help our brothers and sisters to lead their loved ones to Christ. One way is to help minimise the inconvenience our brothers and sisters might face in inviting their loved ones to church. First, we would be setting up a shuttle service to fetch friends and loved ones of our brothers and sisters to church. Second, we also explored moving to a more convenient location. This would facilitate bringing friends to church. Also, there are nearby eateries that promote fellowship. Third, we could remain where we are in Bukit Batok, while starting another congregation at another more convenient location to which brothers and sisters-in-Christ can bring friends. The first proposal could start immediately. The third proposal is about starting a new congregation. To succeed, it requires our brothers and sisters to attend both congregations during the early phase of this work. For a small church, not only is this strenuous, it would probably affect the ministry in Bukit Batok.

The second option is more attractive than the first in that it holds more potential for the future. Now that we are moving to a new location, we can seize the opportunity to source for a larger place in preparation for church growth in the coming years. But the challenges are, relatively speaking, also greater. Can the church afford a bigger and more convenient place? In this matter the committee did some research. First, we found in Woodlands and Admiralty a suitable location: it is within a ten minute walking distance from the MRT; nearby are eateries and facilities conducive for fellowship; the space is 30% more than our present premises; it affords convenience to bring friends; the costs are not low but are within our means. In less than a month after the first congregation meeting, we convene for another congregation meeting after today’s worship service. The objective is to discuss with our brothers and sisters financial matters regarding option two. It entails selling the existing church properties. This decision requires us to step out of our comfort zone, and brothers and sisters to give more. During the meeting, may the Lord make us sensitive to His desire so that we make appropriate decisions. Whether or not we move, our ultimate goal is to spread the Lord’s gospel more effectively. Nehemiah and the Israelites faced numerous challenges in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. But by depending on God they completed a great work: “‘I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me.’ They replied, ‘Let us start rebuilding.’ So they began this good work.” (Neh 2:18). Therefore, if we must face various great challenges in order to preach the Lord’s gospel, let’s fight courageously for the Lord.