Preaching and Living Out the Gospel

Preaching the gospel is a command from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20:

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always to the very end of the age.

I thank God for you. You have worked hard in reaching out to people who are still outside God’s kingdom through various gospel works.

Once a month a group of about 10 of you is involved in Reading Corner where you read stories to and conduct various activities with the children. Thank God for your faithfulness.

In the recent gospel rally we thank God for many of you who made efforts in praying for and inviting friends. Many of your friends came and heard the gospel. If your friends you invited did not come, you have done well too—not only did you serve the Lord by inviting, way before that you have already worked hard to be good testimony before your non-Christian friends. Thus, even if they did not come, your testimony has touched their lives. Many of you are also involved in various ways. By being present, you have encouraged me (the speaker) and everyone. I am sure you were glad you came. Otherwise we would not have enough Christians to speak to the new friends. We had over 40 new friends. Your friendliness, I believe, has left in their hearts a warm and loving feeling. You have left with them your good Christian testimony. May the Lord continue to use your testimony left in their hearts. Because of your presence, the entire spiritual ambiance for the two nights was heart-warming. The Lord has used you. Well done!

I also want to commend you who are quietly but faithfully doing gospel work in your own way, especially by loving people through giving help and encouragement to those who are in need and trouble. Lives have been touched and they have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour because of your kindness. Such consistent efforts of kindness, day in and day out, is truly faithfulness to the Lord.

I also want to commend you who are courageous because you “preach the word” and “are prepared in season and out of season” to preach the gospel (2 Tim 4:2). On this last point I urge all of us to do likewise. Make it a habit and goal to do this: preach the gospel to everyone whom you meet. Give them a gospel tract. You can get gospel tracts for free at the entrance to #07-07. You can find these tracts on a magazine rack. Put them in your school bag, handbag, or pocket. You can also tell these people whom you meet what led you to accept Jesus as Saviour. You might want to consider setting such a goal: “I will preach the gospel to at least one person every month.” Some who set such a goal shared that when they have not preached the gospel to anyone when the month had almost ended, they would desperately look for anyone to whom they could preach the gospel so as to fulfill their goal. Although it sounds like they are doing it just to meet a target, such a mindset keeps us faithful. May you be a Christian who is always seizing opportunities to preach the gospel. Carpe diem!