For the sake of serving God Jeremiah had to endure so many unpleasant circumstances and extreme loneliness from the age of about 17 to about 60 years. There were occasions when he seemed unable to carry on living. Yet he chose to remain faithful to God and not compromise even in the face of suffering. When he was helpless, God Himself became his pillar of strength. This, to me, is amazing and a comfort that is beyond compare. God, above everyone else, cares for those who live and suffer for Him. When we see how God avenges for Jeremiah, we would realise that the unfair treatments we receive, the mental anguish, anxiety, and physical weaknesses that we experience, God notices, and remembers. He will not allow us to suffer for no good cause. We may not understand the reason for these misfortunes at that point in time. We may even feel that these events are absurd. God, however, in his infinite wisdom and kindness will work these things for our benefit. This is as said in Rom 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” In the words of a brother who towards the end of the camp wisely said: “Life is difficult; God is good.” Indeed, life is filled with much hardship. At the same time, however, God’s grace is timely and present. Because we have such a kind God, we could experience joy during sorrow, and peace during anxiety. Thank the Lord!
Another reason for thanksgiving is the opportunities of fellowship with brothers and sisters. This includes the fellowship during group discussion, meal time or recreation, and church camp games and the Family Nite. These were times when we laughed together, and when we talked and carried one another’s burdens. From the sharings of brothers and sisters in Christ I could feel everyone’s frankness and love and concern. This allows us not only to be encouraged by the messages, but we also receive help by the sharings of each brother and sister. Thank the Lord. I am also very heartened by the children in our midst. In this short period of 4 days and 3 nights they became a united group. Noteworthy are some children who know each other only for the first time. Be it adults or children, we need to continue with and even intensify this degree of fellowship. Hence, in the coming cell group meetings or fellowship group activities do participate actively. Do not regard them as dispensable. Do not miss these wonderful times of fellowship because you or your child cannot do without these spiritual nutrients.
In this camp some are with us for the first time. I am thankful to God that in these few days of staying together in the church camp they could know better the church and the brothers and sisters. We could also know them better. I especially hope that in these few days of staying together and listening to messages they would soon come to trust in our true and living God. Based on the relationship that we have built with them during the church camp let us continue to care for them with God’s love.
Lastly, for a very hardworking and highly effective camp committee, including those who served during the church camp, we thank God! The reason why we could during the camp enjoy the various arrangements and convenience is due to the time and sacrifices they have made. This is the result of meticulous planning. May the Lord personally repay you for your sacrifices.
Having received these bountiful blessings, let us be more invigorated and strengthened to live for the Lord. May the Lord find us faithful!