“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
The apostle Peter instructs us that we must be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that we have.
It is critical for us Christians to know the fundamentals of our Christian faith. Without an accurate understanding of our Christian faith, it will lead many to destruction and hell. We need to have a clear and accurate understanding of our Christian faith.
An understanding of God, humanity, sin, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, church and the last times is critical to our Christian faith. These we should and must have a clear understanding so that we can provide an answer when asked about our Christian faith, and more importantly about our salvation. There is no better way to understand these truths than by faithfully reading God’s word. Resolve that you would complete reading the bible at least once in 2 years.
There are many theological books available in our church library. Make full use of our church library to read up on the fundamentals of our Christian faith. A good book to start off with is the Westminster Confession of Faith. The other book “Christian Theology” written by Millard J. Erickson.
Make effort to attend our Sunday School. Pastor has designed the Sunday School teaching material such that you can study the fundamental truths about Christian Living. More importantly, it is learning and honing the skills of bible interpretation. For it is when you can interpret God’s word accurately and in context, that God’s word will come across as crystal clear. Then you will then have a firm foundation of your Christian faith. It is only then that you would be able to provide an answer should someone ask you about your Christian faith.
Should we not be clear about our doctrines and our Christian faith, we would be easily swayed by false doctrines concerning God, Jesus Christ, sin and salvation.
May I strongly encourage you to start by taking down notes during worship service. You would then have a clearer understanding of the portion of the bible that is being expounded in the worship service.
Come and make a commitment to attend Sunday school where the teachers endeavour to teach clearly the word of God and the art of accurately interpreting the Bible. The challenge for us today is not about translation but on our ability to interpret God’s word accurately.
By doing so, you would be firmly rooted in your Christian faith. You would be able to provide an answer to those who ask you about your faith. More importantly, you would not waver and be swayed by the false doctrines, for false doctrine will lead one to destruction!