Gospel Rally 1 (Fri) & 2 (Sat) September

Soul winning is the heartbeat of our Lord Jesus Christ, and so it is with our church.  This year’s gospel rally will be different in 3 main ways.  Firstly, this year’s gospel rally will be held over two nights instead of one.  The church committee took a bold decision of having two nights of gospel rally.  On the first night, we will hear the gospel preached in Chinese and on the second night, we will hear the gospel in English.

Secondly, we have invited the choir from Pasir Panjang Christ Church to sing for us.  This will be led by the choir director, Joseph Toh.  Joseph trained our church choir for the past gospel rallies.  This arrangement will free up our members to freely invite friends and family to the gospel meet.

Lastly, this year’s speaker will be Pastor Andrew.  Pastor will preach on a bold gospel message entitled “Heaven and Hell.” 

I am always excited when the gospel rally is near.  It is a golden opportunity for us to invite our loved ones, families, colleagues and friends to hear the gospel.  Sharing the gospel is not an option but it is a commandment from our Lord Jesus Christ:

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt 28:18-20).

Our Lord Jesus Christ has given us the authority to go and make disciples of all nations.  Jesus Christ promises to be with us as we go and tell others of the salvation grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

With two months to go before our gospel rally, there are a few things that we can do to prepare for it.  Keep in mind someone to invite for the gospel rallies.  You may provide the names to Chen Ming so that their names can be included in our Tuesday prayer meeting.

Strengthen your spiritual health by living a vibrant Christian life.  Keep away from sin and sinful habits.  Establish a regular quiet time and spend time reading and meditating on God’s Word.  Pray fervently for the gospel rally that God will give you the courage and boldness to invite your friends and loved ones to hear the gospel.

This is a spiritual exercise when we invite our friends and family to the gospel rallies.

As we work hard for the gospel, know that God’s archenemy Satan will also be working hard to put obstacles in our path.  Let us be mindful to be united as a church in winning souls. 

The main point is to pray that God’s truth will be powerfully preached, even as His spirit convicts sinners of sin and move them to repentance to receive Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour. 

There is no greater joy than to see a sinner come to repentance, and thus avert God’s judgement on their sin and ungodliness.  There is also no greater work than the work of evangelising to lost souls.