We will observe the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ on Maundy Thursday at 8pm. As we can only worship online, we would not be able to observe the Holy Communion, that is, the Lord’s Supper which is an important sacrament of the church (the other sacrament being baptism).
Despite these constraints, this is an important occasion. We celebrate birthdays, wedding anniversaries, National Day, Mother’s/Father’s day, et cetera. How can we not remember the day when our Lord died to save us from sin and eternal torment in hell and to give us the most precious gift, eternal life? Jesus instructs us to remember this day: “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).
There are several things you should do. First, read the Bible passages related to the events of the Holy Week that are given at the beginning of this pastoral letter. There are four passages, all taken from Luke: 19:28-44; 22:7-38; 23:26-49; 24:1-53. Read one passage each day, starting today. Second, as you read each passage, do the following: try to imagine what was happening. Imagine how the disciples felt and how Jesus felt. Imagine if you were one of the disciples, how you would have felt. Third, answer the following questions:
- 19:28-44: Why were the people so happy? [Answer: the Jews were expecting Jesus to save them from Roman oppression.] You can imagine how disappointed they were when Jesus later died. But did Jesus disappoint them? Your present misfortune does not mean Jesus has failed you. Jesus will never fail you. Press on!
- 22:7-38: Do you think only Judas and Peter will fail Jesus? [Answer: We are potential failures too because even Jesus’ first disciples including Peter failed Jesus.] The Last Supper emphasises that following Jesus is a self-denying lifestyle that is difficult to live in. Therefore, Jesus urges us: “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” (22:46).
- 23:26-49: Jesus suffered greatly in body and soul. Why didn’t Jesus save himself or avoid death when he had every opportunity to do so? [Answer: Jesus must die for your sins. If not, you must die in hell eternally for the sins you committed.] Be moved by Jesus’ unconditional love for you. Feel the pain of Jesus in body and soul. Be moved!
- 24:1-53: Life is filled with hopelessness, sickness, suffering, sorrow, emptiness, fear, and death. Jesus has conquered them all when he conquered death and all that is related to death. Try to imagine how the disciples must have felt: the disciples were so confident that, finally, a Saviour, Jesus, had come to save them. Then he died. Now, they see Jesus alive with a glorious body. Try to feel their joy. This is how you should feel too. What a relief and joy: there is a sure hope! No need to fear anymore!
Jesus has conquered death. You do not need to fear death and hell anymore. Praise the Lord. This is possible because Jesus died for your sins. He died because he loves you. Hence, you must love him too. Love your Saviour. Live your life for him.