I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
This means also that if your church is not healthy, you will lose this safety. What things can undermine the church? First, if the church (or your life) is founded on wrong teachings, there is no safety in the church, regardless of how “nice” the people are, how “nice” the music is, or how “nice” the sermons feel. Note well what how Paul describes a church in 1 Tim 3:15:
The church of the living God [is] the pillar and foundation of truth.
This is the reason why Tree of Life Christian Church preaches the Bible every Sunday, the Word of God, which is the only truth that is without error,
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Only God’s Word makes you “equipped for every good work.” Nothing else can. Hence, people who do not thirst and hunger after God’s Word will face grave danger in life, now or later. It is a matter of time. Thus, I urge you, listen with two ears pricked up during preaching. Attend faithfully Sunday School where you can study God’s Word in depth and discuss with fellow Christians in class. You must study and know theology so that you can protect yourself and the church against error. There are too many errors taught in churches around the world that have departed from the truth (as predicted in the Bible), including charismatism, “wealth, health and prosperity gospel,” liberal theology, “word of faith” teachings, cults, harmful worldy teachings, etc.
Second, protecting the church not only requires a good “head” (intellect) filled with truth (the Bible). It also needs a “warm” heart filled with love. We must be “speaking the truth in love” (Eph 4:15), that is, with much kindness and gentleness. Seize opportunities to encourage each other.
If you truly love the church and believe the well-being of the church is critical for your well-being, you must serve God’s people, that is, the church. Our attitude must be: Is there anything good that I can do for the church? Is someone in need of encouragement or visitation? Is someone in financial trouble? Does the church need help in this or that matter? Surely, there is something I can do!
Serving God’s people should never done only when it is convenient to do so. Look at how Jesus, Paul, or today’s Christians serve: they make great sacrifices. Jesus died for the church. Paul was beaten physically for the church. They did so not to gain benefits of this world. “Instead, they were longing for a better country, a heavenly one” (Heb 11:16a). And will God disappoint us? No. You will surely be rewarded: “Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them” (Heb 11:16b). Therefore, guard and love zealously God’s church. Then the church will be a place of refuge for you and your family.