When You Need the Lord …

I just got to know from a pastor friend, with whom I seldom kept in touch with, about his wife. I had asked him if his wife were well. He told me that she had not been well for some time. I was surprised as for the majority of those whom I ask, most would reply that they were well. I was glad that I asked. This reminds me that I should never take for granted that those who are around me who were well will continue to do well. Let us learn to watch for one another, especially we who belong to the same church. It is important that we know what is happening in the lives of people whom we see every Sunday and not assume that no one is facing any problem.

He told me that his wife was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease which is a deterioration of some nerve systems. It affects your movement, balance and muscle control. There is no known cure and her condition will continue to deteriorate. Why did this happen? There is no simple answer. One thing, however, is certain: Our wise and loving Heavenly Father is, as He promises us, working all things for the good of us His children (Rom 8:28).

During this period, life has been very difficult. For some time, his wife would easily loose her balance.  She had fallen many times. Thus, she needed to be accompanied when she went out to the streets. This added to the already busy schedule of my pastor friend. I believe this is one of the darkest moments in their marriage and family life.

It is through this suffering that he, I think, understood in a profound way what God’s word often reminds us: The things in this earthly life have no real and lasting value and that the things of this world are temporary. Hence, do not love the world. The Bible records for us that Abraham understood this profound truth. Although Abraham was a wealthy man, he valued not the things of the world but “he was looking forward to the city with foundations whose builder and architect is God” (Heb 11:10)—heaven. Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. Understand this: We are only passing by this world. This place is not our home. Thank God that this world is not our home. If it is, then we are the most miserable people because this world is filled with sufferings. Thank and praise the Lord. Our home is where our kind Heavenly Father is. Our home is where our Lord and Saviour who loves us is staying at—heaven. Your Lord and Saviour promises you that because you are a child of God, He guarantees you an eternal home there, a place where sin, sorrow and death cannot hurt you anymore—a place where you will enjoy eternal life filled with peace, joy and the love of God. This eternal home is given to all who have received Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Second, he also shared that there has been an improvement lately. She is now taking a drug that has enabled her to steady her muscles and she can now go out to the streets alone without fear of falling down. God is good. He is as Paul says, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it” (1 Cor 10:13). Just when they felt that that their trials were almost too great, God provides a way out of that difficulty. Are you going through some difficult times? God will not desert you. He was and will always be there when you need Him. So, press on with life.