Receive Jesus As Lord and Saviour
You feel sad because you do not knowing where you are going. If so, rejoice because if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, your Heavenly Father has prepared an eternal home for you—a place of eternal joy in God’s house.
Pray for the Salvation of Love Ones
You feel sad because you will be separated from your loved ones. If so, there is hope. Be a good testimony. Live a holy life. Love them with Christ’s love. Pray for their salvation. God can move impossible hearts to repentance and salvation. God can reach out to them through your life testimony.
Serve Him Faithfully
You feel sad as you dare not face God because He is going to judge your life: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil” (2 Cor 5:10). This judgment is to determine your reward and not salvation. You will not lose your salvation. But you can still receive God’s reward. It is time to stop loving sin and the world. Start serving Him faithfully now. Work hard at your spiritual life. You can serve Him by praying for God’s work and needy people. Love people. Then God will be pleased with you at judgment.
What is your time? How much time do you have before you pass away from this world? Actually, the answer is not important. God knows and it is He who determines the length of your days. When He decides to take you home to heaven, you can be assured that it will be the best timing for you. Therefore, be at peace. What is more important is that 1. Jesus is your Saviour and Lord, 2. you pray for the salvation of your loved ones, and 3. you stop wasting time and serve Him faithfully from now on. Then regardless of whether it is bedtime, dinner time or breakfast time, you have done what is right and pleasing in God’s eyes.