I believe we are all excited to see how the Lord is going to work. We have been praying that the Lord of the harvest will bring people to hear the gospel and save lost souls into His eternal kingdom. At the same time, we must also be vigilant because Satan will use his cunning schemes to disrupt the gospel meeting. There are several things we must be watchful.
First, do not seek self-glorification. Keep your heart right before God. Do not allow yourself to be made use of by Satan to hinder the gospel work. Satan makes use of people who seek self-glorification.
As you serve God in different capacities, whether as ushers, greeters, choir singers, or in administrative work, keep your heart right before God. Do not argue for vain glory. If anyone were to make a mistake or if something were not properly carried out, just put things right and move on. Be gentle with your co-labourers. Be kind and gracious. Keep a tight rein on your tongue. Say things that are encouraging and not criticize. Some will be in the limelight and some serve better behind the scene. Let God get the glory. The moment you are concerned about whether you get the limelight, about your feelings or some kind of ugly self-interest, Satan will make use of you. You will hurt God’s work. You can be sure that God will discipline you because you care only about yourself and not for God’s glory. You do not love lost souls but are self centred. Put self-interests away. When there are problems, just pray to God and keep quiet when you are angry.
Second, keep yourself pure before God. If you want God to use you, you must live a holy life: “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work” (2 Tim 2:21). We must always live holy lives for God and especially so during this week of heightened spiritual warfare. Read your bible often. Pray without ceasing for the people you are going to invite and for the speaker and translator.
Third, after the gospel rally, please talk to new friends and not just among yourselves. You can ask them: “Does what you hear tonight make sense to you?” “Is there any question that I can help to answer?” Do not argue with new friends. Love them. Be a good testimony. If there is any question that you cannot answer, just tell them honestly: “It is a good question. I’m sure someone can help you with your query.” You can then look for someone or me if I am available to help him or her with that question.
Hence, remember: Do not seek self interest but keep yourself pure before God this week and pray without ceasing. Help new friends feel at home by talking to them and being kind to them. Love them as God loves you unconditionally.