Thinking about Evangelism

Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:18-20 to fulfil the Great Commission. We are commanded to preach the gospel (good news), which is about Jesus Christ. Your loved ones and friends need Jesus. “But they are very happy,” you say. Are they? The author of the Book of Ecclesiastes says that every person feels in their hearts that life is, as the author of Ecclesiastes says, “Utterly meaningless. Everything is meaningless” (Eccl 1:2). The author of Ecclesiastes had enjoyed and tested in full measure everything that could possibly bring him joy and satisfaction. He was the most brilliant man on earth. Thus, he had the necessary wisdom to examine the meaning of life. He was also the wealthiest man on earth. Thus, he had the necessary resources to enjoy life. After all these studies, his conclusion was: life is utterly meaningless. This conclusion is demonstrated by people around us. You probably have read in the newspapers how numerous very wealthy people and brilliant people live very unhappy lives. If money, fame, abilities and resources were the solutions to a meaningful life, we would expect them to be the happiest people on earth. But many are not. Even if they lived happy lives, one day, this happy life would end. Reason: everyone must die. Human beings will never be truly happy or have peace in their hearts if they do not know where they are going after death. Also, life is filled with much suffering. How can there be true joy?! Thus, how can life be truly meaningful and happy? Hence, if you truly love your non-Christian family member or friend, you must put in all effort to bring them to Jesus. They urgently need Jesus and eternal and a meaningful life.

Today, we will hold a symposium on “Evangelism” immediately after the combined worship service. We will watch several short video clips. Several persons will be interviewed. Through what they share, we will learn some practical tips on how we can bring our relatives and friends to the Lord. You will observe, invariably, that if you wish to bring someone to Christ, you need to spend time with the person. You cannot say, “I want God to give me an opportunity to lead people to Christ, but I have no time for people.” In fact, you must be willing to love the person even when the person is not lovely. You need to be patient and walk with that person in his or her struggles with life. Love, care, listen, help, and do not give up on a person. Then, if it is God’s will, God will open the spiritual eyes of the non-Christian so that he/she understands the gospel and accepts Jesus as Saviour. The psalmist rightly says, “Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them” (Psa 126:6). God cannot use you if you refuse to love people for who they are, whether or not they are lovely or attractive. The fact is, we are all unlovely people. Today, you are a child of God because someone loved you unconditionally too. Shouldn’t you do the same for someone else?

After watching the video clips, we will divide into small groups and discuss some questions. Then a representative from each group will share on what the group feels and suggests. As we come together to discuss, because God’s children have the Holy Spirit of God in us, I am sure we will obtain some very important wisdom and suggestions on how we can better save lost souls into God’s kingdom. Most importantly, I urge you to identify two or three non-Christians and pray for them. Ask the Lord to help you be a kind light and salt to these people, and to save their souls so that that they receive eternal life.