The Resurrection Power

Bad habits can be very destructive. It could an be unforgiving heart which not only destroys relationships, it also takes away peace from your heart. It could be an addiction to some form of recreation which takes away your health, money and time. It could also a bad temper when you say words or do things that you later regret. Many bad habits are destructive. You must break free from bad habits or they will destroy your life. But how can you?

Some people are unhappy because they have a destructive mindset. It can be an inferiority complex. It could also be a heart that is never contented. Thus, when others do better than you in life or materially, you become jealous or envious. Greed takes over and you do things that hurt yourself and others. But how can one stop being jealous or greedy?

The greatest threat to mankind, however, is death. One day, no matter how rich you are now or regardless of how healthy you are presently, death will take these things away. Where will you spend eternity? Are you prepared for death? This is the most important problem you must solve. But what is the solution?

The Bible which is God’s Word tells you very clearly that after you die, you will spend eternity in either heaven orhell. God’s Word, the Bible has never been wrong in whatever it says. In fact, it is amazingly accurate in its facts concerning science, archaeology, history, geography, etc. Many prophecies have been accurately fulfilled. Thus, the Bible makes a very bold claim: “All Scripture is God breathed” (2 tim 3:16), that is, the Bible is God’s Word and hence has never been wrong.

You will either be in heaven or hell. We thank and praise God that Jesus died to take away the punishment that we deserve because we have sinned against God. But Jesus rose from the dead three days later. Jesus has resurrected from the dead. His resurrection is important for at least two reasons.

First, “just as Christ was raised through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Rom 6:4). When you receive Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, you also received at the same time, the resurrection life of Jesus Christ. This life is holy and eternal. Every Christian, that is, child of God, is able to kick off bad habits. This is possible because the resurrection life of Christ which can make dead things live again, empowers you.

Second, when Christ rose from the dead, “death has been swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor 15:54). Indeed, Christians can now mock death and say: “Where O death is your victory, where O death is your sting?” (1 Cor 15:55). Also, “Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Cor 15:20). When you see the first batch of fruits, you know that soon there will be more coming. This means that because Christ has risen from the dead, one day we who believe in Him will rise from the dead with a resurrection body. It is new without defect. It is a perfect body that will never sin, fall sick or die. Every person who has received Jesus as Saviour and Lord is guaranteed of this hope.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord, Christ is risen!