Tree of Life Christian Church subscribes to Reformed Theology. This label is derived from the theological emphases of the 16th Century Reformation movement. It is better known as Calvinism and is associated with the reformer John Calvin. It is accepted by most reformers and with which great giants of the faith including Augustine agree. More importantly, it is founded upon the Bible. The fundamental teaching of Reformed Theology is this: God is sovereign, that is, God is king. He is in complete control of every detail. Praise the Lord!
Another way of understanding this system is by studying The Five Points of Calvinism which is a refutation of Arminianism. Arminianism claims to believe in the sovereignty of God but in actual fact limits the sovereignty of God. Simply stated, Calvinism believes that God produces in us the desire to want to accept Jesus as Saviour. Arminianism believes that human beings themselves produce that desire to want to accept Jesus as Saviour. I shall now briefly state the Five Points of Calvinism which can be represented by the acronym TULIP.
- Total Depravity: Human beings are totally depraved. They are unable to accept Jesus and salvation without the special grace of God (John 8:44; Rom 3:9-12; Eph 2:1-2, 5). This grace is given to only people elected by God (point 2). Arminians believe (incorrectly) that God has given grace to all people to enable them to accept Jesus and salvation. They call this “prevenient” grace. But this idea of “prevenient grace” is not supported by any Bible text.
- Unconditional Election: God elects, that is, chooses us unconditionally to accept Jesus and salvation. How do you know that you are elected? Answer: when you accept Jesus as Saviour. His election is not dependent on whether or not we are worthy to receive salvation or anything we are able or not able to do (Matt 13:15; compare Matt 16:14-17; John 6:44; 15:16; 6:37; Acts 13:48). Arminians (incorrectly) believe that God elected certain persons to accept Jesus and salvation because God foresees that those persons would one day accept Jesus. This is not supported by the Bible.
- Limited Atonement: God provided atonement by Jesus’ death for the sins of the whole world (John 3:16-18; 1 Tim 4:10; 1 John 2:2). Thus Jesus died for the whole world of Christians and non-Christians (We do not accept the position of hyper-Calvinists who believe that Jesus died only for the elect). This atonement is able, that is, sufficient to save every human being. However, this atonement is only effective for the elect, that is, it is intended to save only the elect (Matt 1:21; John 10:11; Rom 8:32-33). Thus, “sufficient for all, effective for the elect.” Arminians believe (incorrectly) that this atonement is sufficient for all and is intended for all.
- Irresistible Grace: When God elects a person to receive salvation, God will give that person a special grace to believe, that is, have faith in Jesus. That person cannot resist God’s inner call to receive grace and salvation but will accept the grace. This happens by the work of the Holy Spirit who will remove all hindrances due to sin and enable that person to understand, and willingly and freely accept the inner gospel call to salvation (Rom 11:29; 1 Cor 1:9; 1:23-24). Arminians believe (incorrectly) that human beings can resist, that is, reject the grace to accept the inner call to salvation by the Holy Spirit.
- Perseverance of Christians: God will infallibly preserve us so that we will continue to have faith in Jesus and receive salvation. There may be periods of time or even prolonged periods of time when we lead a sinful life. But God will continue to be faithful to us and will ensure that we will be saved eternally. Nothing including our sinful nature is able to stop us from being saved. Those who have accepted Jesus as Saviour will never lose their salvation (John 10:27-30; Rom 8:30; Phil 1:6; 1 Peter 1:3-5). Thus, “once saved always saved.” Salvation is started by God, guaranteed by God, and will be successfully completed by God. God ensures you receive the fullness of eternal salvation. God is sovereign and is in full control. God deserves all the glory!