Second, we had planned a children program which was held at the same time as the gospel rally. In this way, the adults would not be distracted by children. Initially, we had thought of holding the children program in the cry room which was sufficiently sound proof. But that would also mean that adults with toddlers had nowhere to go. We thank and praise the Lord. Another church within The Spire was very kind to us in lending us the use of their premises. The children could enjoy their program and have their refreshment there. God also provided for us a good teacher to engage the children.
Third, God also provided us a teacher who loves the Lord to teach the choir. In just seven sessions, the choir had to learn two songs. Furthermore, the second song was especially difficult to master, especially learning the parts. Thank and praise the Lord. Many, including new friends, were moved by the songs sung.
Our speaker for that night was mighty in word. He had shared that he felt the moving of the Holy Spirit as he spoke. Several received the Lord Jesus as Saviour that evening. Thank and praise the Lord.
Fourth, for several weeks before the gospel rally, we had been praying for the friends we hoped to invite, that they would come and come in time too. When the gospel rally started, all but the last two rows were filled. But when the gospel rally proper started (after the singspiration), the last (front) two rows were taken up just in time. Our usual Sunday worship attendance was about 40 adults. That evening, we had about 50 new friends attending the gospel rally. For not a few of these new friends, it was their first time attending a worship service. Our greatest joy was that these new friends, many of whom are our close friends and relatives, heard the gospel that night. Above all, we rejoice because God promises us that
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isa 55:10-11).
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, because you had worked hard in praying, testifying for the Lord by your good works and courageously inviting new friends, the Lord has remembered your labour of love and blessed the work of your hands. Hence, press on. Work hard to bring lost souls into God’s kingdom.