Thanksgiving for Gospel Rally

It is recommended by some that sauna rooms be set to about 80 degrees Celsius and a person should stay inside there for around 10 minutes. I once entered such a room for about a minute and I thought that I was surrounded by steam. The past few months of preparation for the gospel rally was such a place: I could feel fervency in Tree of Life Christians Church.

During the Church Prayer Meeting on Tuesday, much time was spent in sharing about and in faithful praying for those whom we hoped to invite to the gospel rally. Many had been busy making phone calls, meeting up with friends and relatives and making various arrangements to invite them to the gospel rally. For more than two months, more than 20 members of the choir who had been in church since around 9 am, practiced hard until after 3pm at two songs. The spiritual heat generated during this period was very heart warming.

On the day of the gospel rally, some were wondering: So many of us will be on stage singing. How many would be seated to listen to the choir? What if there were only a few persons sitting down there? God was very kind to us. Our little sanctuary was filled with people. In fact, there were so many people that many had to sit on stools as compared to a usual Lord’s Day where we would not require the stools. When the choir was up there singing, a large crowd was down there listening. God is kind and merciful to us. We had at least, by my own counting, 26 new friends who were unbelievers. Members and friends of this church also came to lend spiritual support to this rally. I am very happy with the turnout. Thank and praise the Lord. The Lord has answered your faithfulness in praying.

I am also very happy with several things. First, during this period, you worked very hard and demonstrated that you cared about what the Lord cares for: for souls to be saved into His kingdom. Many of us brought at least a friend. Having said that, however, whether or not the people you invited came, you had done your best for the Lord and you will be blessed by the Lord. Be encouraged, dear sister or brother, the Lord remembers your labour of love.

Second, one of my greatest joys is to see you encouraged by the Lord because of the good turnout. What, however, if the turnout had not been good, should you feel discouraged? No, you should feel joyful because what you had done for the Lord is not in vain but is remembered for eternity by the Lord. We are a small church but the Lord can use you in big ways.

Third, everyone was willing to help. Some came just to support. In fact, just by being present, you had served in the gospel rally. You added to the liveliness of the crowd and raised the level of the singing and worship atmosphere. Many of us helped in one way or another. It is a joy to see you serving the Lord.

How should we move on from here? Some people take time to come to know the Lord. They need to move from their first encounter with Christianity to knowing more about this faith and knowing in a more holistic manner which include the important truths and how Christians live before they receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Hence, continue to care for the friends you invited and those whom you invited but did not come. Continue to be a good testimony before them by your love, holy living and faith in the Lord. Then, a time may come when the Holy Spirit moves their hearts to repentance from their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved. Press on.