Jesus Changed My Life – Sister Lin Yu
I used to hate school, and was a true blue rebel who opposed anyone who represented authority. Back then, I fought and quarrelled with my parents almost daily. In order to escape from their restrictions, the rebel in me decided to leave home to work in a place as far away from them as possible.
I yearned for freedom. I sported tattoos, indulged in smoking and drinking, and, profanities peppered my sentences. I used to get into fights and mixed with wrong company.
In spite of all these, I never once felt there was anything wrong with me.
It did not cross my mind that I was behaving defiantly, against God’s will. Although I come from a family of Christians, I did not heed the gospel call to believe in God and to come to a saving knowledge of God. I simply rejected anyone who even tried to counsel me. I lived by my own rules.
As I got older, I found out that there were so many things around me which were beyond my control, like the stress from work, and inter-personal relationships. To make matters worse, I was working overseas, far away from my hometown. I felt really helpless.
Gradually, I decided to open myself up to God – the same great God about whom my family has been trying to tell me. I thank God that I met Pastor Andrew and all the brothers and sisters of the church. I felt a sense of peace and belonging.
I now pray daily. Praying has helped me overcome various obstacles. I believe that God will lead and guide me, and provide the best for me. He will never leave His children alone in times of trials. I prayed to God that I would be able to find a job in which I would be happy. When I went back to my hometown, I found another job.
I found out that difficult times are times when God helps us to learn and grow, and that all trials are permitted by God. I realise now that I need to repent and change.
After I received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I started to reconnect with my parents and share my life with them. I am ashamed of myself for hurting them so badly when I was young, even though they had loved me all the same. I have changed my manner with which I spoke to them. My parent said, “You are no longer the person you used to. You have matured.”
I thank God for turning me around. He has caused me to understand what is right and wrong, surrounds me with my brothers and sisters who love me. I now find joy in attending bible study classes. I am happy each day for being able to read God’s word, which brings meaning to life. We are all being loved by God, and all glory goes to Him alone.
My Walk with Christ – Sister Giselle Koh Poh Gi
I was raised in a family that reveres icons. From a young age, I did not know precisely what or who my identity was. During that time, I was struggling with my examinations as I could not catch up with lessons and assignments. I was so far behind that I almost gave up. I was constantly praying for good results but it never happened. Not long after, I started to hang around bad companions. Things did not get better as I had hoped it would. I kept on with this lethargic lifestyle; tattling with friends and skipping lessons. I lived my life this way until one day, when a good friend of my mother invited her to church. I also tagged along.
I felt awkward when I first met members of Tree Of Life Christian Church. I did not understand what was happening during the worship service. I was, however, impressed with the things the church did, which i do not see in temples. A sister in that congregation shared with me her testimony about how she came to know Christ. I was extremely touched by all the miracles that God had worked in her life. I was also touched by her strong faith which gave her the courage to continue her devotion to God. I knew that I needed to give the Christian faith a shot as I believed that I too must change my view of life. After attending a few worship services and bible classes, I started to believed that Jesus is God. In addition, the church members shared many testimonies of their own which resulted in my faith growing stronger. Soon, I received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and prayed the sinner’s prayer.
From that point on, I began to know God better. My adoration for Christ also became more grounded. I decided to serve God through music. Despite being a self-educated musician who did not have much knowledge about music, God gave me the ability to play for His Name’s sake. With all these wonderful things that I received from Him, came also enticements and temptations that threatened to distract me from Him. An example was my baptism. My sister was not pleased with my decision to get baptised. She felt that it was a disrespectful decision. When I tried to convince her to accept my baptism, I received remarks that made me frightened. What she said caused me to falter in my faith towards God. After spending much time in trying to convince her to accept my baptism, she finally gave in to me. I am thankful to God because He gave me wisdom to speak to her. I felt God’s presence with me when I needed Him. His love and blessings have once again strengthened my faith in Him as I learnt to walk by faith and not by sight.
I felt that a long time has passed by since I came to Christ. I am very happy that many of my negative behavioural patterns have changed. I have become more carefree. My perspectives of life have improved. Looking back at my old self, I am filled with appreciation and thanksgiving to Christ. It was He who has brought blessings and love into my life. I thank God that I have the privilege to be the light and salt of this world for Him.