Hurt Comes by Refusal to Submit to God
In the same way, when we refuse to submit to God’s leading in our lives but choose to go our own way, thinking that our way is a better alternative, we will end up wasting our lives, time, resources and get hurt. Why? The reason is simple: Only God knows the future and He only is thus able to lead us in the way that is safe. Only God is all powerful and is thus able to arrange for us in such a way that “all things work for good” (Rom 8:28) to our advantage and for His glory. Hence, it is so important that if it is quite clear that God is refusing you somethings, humbly submit with grateful hearts because He is trying to protect you. Of course, you can get angry, throw tantrum like a spoilt child and crash the gate to get what you want like Balaam (Numbers 22-24) whom God told repeatedly (at least twice) not to curse Israel. But you can know for sure that your life will not be blessed and that you will only hurt yourself.
Blessings Come by Submission to God
If, however, you “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him,” the Word of God promises you, that “He will make straight your paths” (Prov 3:5-6). This means that, if you know that God has quite clearly told you by His word, the Bible, as to what you should do or should not do, obey Him. This means that even if your senses (or is it non-senses?) tell you that your way is more practical and that God’s way is not practical, reject your ways and obey the Lord. Then your Father in Heaven who keeps promises will “make straight your paths,” that is, He will guide you and arrange for you to walk so that you will live a blessed life in full safety and real joy.
How do you know God’s will? God’s will has been revealed in His Word the Bible. But if you want to understand the Bible, the first and most important criterion is a teachable heart, a heart that is resolved to obey the Lord. If you read or hear God’s word with a heart that wants to hear only the things you like, the things that please you, the things that suit your sinful desires, then you may read and hear God’s Word but, “seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear nor do they understand” (Matt 13:13). Why? Because God has closed your spiritual eyes because you are not teachable. But if you put away your rebellious and doubting heart, you can be fully assured that you will get the best because God has promised you. Second, you must study and understand God’s Word. The most important part of worship is when God’s Word is preached. This is the correct attitude when you hear His Word: “I must understand this passage of the Bible that is preached today. I want to know what God wants me to do in my life. I want to change my life to please God.” If you hear God’s Word with such a heart, then you will hear and understand and be blessed.