Spiritual Exercises

The Apostle Paul says: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1Tim 4:8).  Physical training builds up the physical strength and stamina of an athlete so that he wins a prize.  But when a person is so trained as to become godly, he receives a prize from God, so that he enjoys abundant life in this life and for eternity.  In this new year, I urge you to work hard so that you increase in godliness.  The church shall take on several spiritual exercises.

First, maintain a consistent Quiet Time.  Just as you need physical food to stay alive, you also need spiritual food to live and to live well (Matt 4:4).  I encourage you to set aside 15 minutes every day to read your bible.  Begin by asking God to help you understand His word.  Read a paragraph each day (you may want to start with the Book of Matthew at 1:18 which records the birth of Christ).  Then ask yourself if there is anything you need to change or something you need to do.  You may learn a godly behaviour from a character in that passage.  End the reading by asking God to give you strength to change or do what you have just read.  Then spend some minutes praying not just for yourself but also for others.  A good prayer life should not just be about your own needs.  Ask God to supply your needs.  But pray also for your family, your colleagues, your church mates and your church leaders.  Be determined not to pass a single day without reading God’s word.  If you do this every day, you will surely grow in godliness, wisdom, strength and peace.

Second, read through the whole bible.  We shall start this exercise in February.  You can opt to read through the bible once in either one or two years.  A prize awaits whoever completes the reading.  God desires us to know and obey His will in its entirety.  The bible records everything we need to know so as to live a victorious life in this world (2 Tim 3:16-17).  Thus, it is critical that you know the whole bible.  If you read four chapters a day, you will finish reading the bible in one year.  Reading two chapters a day will take you two years to complete reading the whole bible.

Third, if you want God to bless you abundantly, you must live a holy life.  How can we do that?  “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psa 119:11).  Temptations lurk in many places.  It will pounce on you so as to cause you to sin against God and break your relationship with your Lord.  But if you have memorised a passage of God’s word that deals with that temptation, you can immediately recall that relevant passage.  That will strengthen your mind and emotion so that you do not sin against God because “the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Heb 4:12).  The church (and I hope you too) has memorised well last year the twelve verses that relate to Christian living.  Do continue to revise them.  For the next one month or more, we will be memorising new verses that will enable us to live a victorious Christian life.   I urge you memorise them “word perfect.”  The more we memorise God’s word, the better we are equipped to overcome temptations.  Then when we live a holy life, God will also shower on us His blessings.  Have a blessed new year.