Sharing the Gospel

I thank God for many of you who are always seizing opportunities to invite friends and loved ones to attend Sunday Worship Service and the Basic Bible Class. I know that you are also actively sharing the gospel with friends and colleagues. Keep up the good work.


Just recently, a sister in the Lord told us about how her daughter had asked regarding the meaning of the words inscribed on the wall behind the pulpit that reads “I came that they may have life.” This verse is taken from John 10:10. I wonder how our sister responded to that question. Such a question can open a door to sharing the gospel with the enquirer. I believe our sister seized the opportunity to do that.

This reminds me of the importance of tracting, that is, giving out gospel tracts to friends or strangers. The titles of many tracts, just like John 10:10, are also very catchy. These titles have been phrased in such a way as to catch people’s attention. Examples of such titles are “Moving House,” “Blessing of Honouring Parents,” etc. I know of people who received the Lord as Saviour or come to church just by reading gospel tracts.  I urge you to take a few tracts from church and give them to those whom you evangelise to.

Christian Testimony

Every Christian should be prepared to share his testimony of salvation, that is, relate the process through which he came to receive Jesus as Saviour. I encourage you to do a write up of your testimony of salvation. Your sharing, when read out at the normal reading speed should not be more than 3 minutes. Talk about 3 points.

First, before you became a Christian, what kind of a person were you? You may want to describe some circumstances that influenced you to become who you were: family religious background, friends, your fears, likes and dislikes, etc. Second, what or who attracted you to Christianity? It could be your friend or family member. When and how did you finally made clear decision to receive Jesus as Saviour? Was it after you heard a sermon preached or through a bible study class? Did someone share with you and lead you to pray the sinner’s prayer? Third, how has your life changed after you received Jesus as Saviour? How have you changed compared to the life you just described in the first point?

I encourage you to memorise what you have written. Practice relating your testimony to someone in 3 minutes. Then when you meet someone who is a non-Christian, share what you have written with him. As with many people, I too love to hear a person’s testimony of salvation.

A Living Christian Testimony

Your written testimony of how Jesus saved you is important. Even more critical, however, is how you conduct yourself among people. Jesus commands us to be the light and salt of the earth (Matt 5:13-16). If you are not the light and salt of the earth, you are wasting your life. Your life must attract people to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Hence, love people, pray for them and live wisely. May God use you to bring people into His glorious kingdom in order that they may enjoy eternal life.