Saving Souls

I send greetings from Siliguri, North East India. Before I share the pastoral letter, I want to thank all of you for praying for me. God heard your prayers. The way here was slightly eventful. I had packed a big bag containing some old clothes and other things for the Indian Christians. The agent who prepared my tickets told me that the luggage I check in would be sent directly from Singapore to Siliguri, that is, I need not claim the luggage at the place of transit. The airport staff at Changi Airport, however, could not be certain and told me to check with the staff in India. At the transit in India, however, different airport staff told me different things. Also, I was directed to incorrect places (and I only had two hours for transit). It turned out that I had to exit the airport. That meant that besides having to spend time searching for the right places, I had to queue to clear customs, wait to collect baggage, exit the airport, check in again, search for the domestic counter and queue to clear security checks and customs (and all the queues were long), and literally run to the domestic flight counter. I thank God that I was 45 minutes ahead of the departing time. Thank you for praying for me. God heard your prayers. Thank you for your prayers during prayer meeting, and the little gifts and personal notes of prayer and encouragement you sent me. The church (you) also financially supported me and Rev Goh (who went ahead of me). In this way, you are here serving in Siliguri with me: “They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God” (Phil 4:18). Tomorrow, I start teaching a about 80-90 pastors who pastoring churches in different parts of North-East India. Many travel one to two days to get to the training place. I’ll share some more the next time.

Returning to today’s pastoral letter. We just had our third gospel Sunday several days ago. Thank God that all went well: the gospel was preached, the choir and musicians did well, two sisters shared their life-changing testimony that moved hearts, and the church extended warmly the love of Christ to friends. I’m also most encouraged: for the last gospel Sundays this year, including the past gospel meetings, the Christians in Tree of Life Christian church have not stopped inviting and bringing new friends to hear the gospel. Whether or not the friends you invited came (and they came), in the eyes of God, you have served the Lord. I commend you for your love for souls and the Lord. The Lord knows and is most pleased. I pray that the Lord will continue to use you and that you’d not give up reaching out to souls with the gospel. Your loved ones need the gospel about Jesus. Without Jesus, they will perish eternally in hell and live a most miserable life on earth. Please continue to be a good testimony for Jesus by your good deeds, and pray and invite them to the next gospel meeting—Christmas Sunday (25 Dec; Sunday). I also urge you to do this most important thing: please help to care for new friends. Human beings cannot see God. But God is most clearly seen when you love and care for people: “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. (1 John 4:12). Look around you. Who is new? Who is alone? Please leave your comfort zone and extend your love to a new friend. Then this church will be a place of comfort to lost souls.