This article referred to several incidents: A lady complained about prayer in schools and prayer was removed from schools. Then someone suggested that the Bible should not be read in school and they agreed. Not too long ago, Roy Moore was removed from his post as Chief Justice because he refused to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from theAlabama Judicial Building.
Then someone suggested that they allow their daughters to have abortions as they do not even need to tell their parents. Then America’s top elected officials said that it does not matter what anyone, including the President, does as long as I have a job and the economy is good. The article concludes with this statement: “Dear God, why didn’t you save the little girl killed in her classroom? Sincerely, Concerned Student . . . and the reply, ‘Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools.’ Sincerely God.”
I often tell some children. When you are well, you must always thank God. You are safe because He is protecting you. “But where is the danger that we need His protection?” You ask. If you look around you and read the news, you would realise that there are so many things around us that can hurt us. We are safe because He has been protecting us. Hence, I am particularly concerned about people who do not take God and His commands seriously. I am very concerned about Christians who do not honour God in their lives.
Dear Christians, you and your family cannot survive without God. God has this warning for those who are not serious about obeying Him: “Those who honour Me, I will honour., and those who despise Me shall be treated with contempt” (2 Sam 2:30). God is kind and merciful. He loves you infinitely and we know this to be true: He sent His precious Son Jesus to die for the many sins you committed. Jesus knew the extreme pain He would suffer on the cross. Yet He willing died on the cross for you. Why? Because He loves you infinitely. Is it then too much for Him to ask of you that you honour and love Him? Is it too much to ask for 15 minutes of your time everyday so that He can speak words of blessings through the Bible to you during your Quiet Time? Is it too much to ask of you to consecrate one day in a week to worship Him in church? How can it be too much when in fact, these things that He wants you to do is for your own benefit? America wanted God to leave them alone. Perhaps that was why God allowed 911. What about you? Do you find obeying God burdensome? Don’t. I urge you; honour God and God will honour you.