On Christmas Sunday, 22nd December 2019, the speaker will preach a gospel message. We need to form a choir to present hymns. Who can sing in the choir? Everyone who is has accepted Jesus as Saviour, that is, a Christian. The practices will be held on Sundays after Sunday worship service/Sunday School and after lunch at 1:30pm in Rooms 1 and 2. Yes, I understand that it will be a tiring. But dare we complain? Jesus died on the cruel cross for you, and this is His desire: to save souls from hell.
How can you not fulfil His desire? How dare we complain that we are tired or do not have time? Service that serves God only when it’s convenient is of little value. Thus, David when he wants wants to build an altar to God on a piece of land that belongs to a man called Araunah, and Araunah offers to give this land free to David, David refuses, saying: “No, I insist on paying you for it. I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing” (2 Sam 24:24). The practices will be about six or seven sessions, each lasting about 1 and a half hour. But I believe that you will be filled joy as you pratise in these choir sessions because you are doing for your Saviour. I am sure the Holy Spirit will give you the joy as you serve Him.
On 24th December 2019, we will also go to homes for Christmas carolling. In these homes, we will sing the beautiful Christmas songs, give a Power Point presentation, and a preacher will preach a short Christmas message. There are three things that you can do to help preacht the gospel. First, open up your homes for the carolling teams. Second, everyone of us, please invite your friends to these homes. Third, please join the carolling team. There will only be about two practices because most of us know how to sing most of these carols. You may think in you heart: “Wow . . . so busy and tiring.” But let me say one thing: not only is it your responsibility to proclaim the gospel during Christmas, you must seize this opportunity because this is a time when people are more willing to hear the gospel message.
Let’s not just regard this Christmas season as simply a holiday season. People who do not have Jesus as Saviour will die in hell forever. No matter how happy your friends and relatives are, the fact is their happiness will end at death. Also, deep in their hearts, if they are honest with themselves, they are feeling empty: the material things of the world can never satisfy them; they are feeling fearful: they do not know where they would go after they die. They need the Lord Jesus Christ. Only He can save and satisfy them because Jesus has removed the power of sin that condemns human beings as sinners. Please come and save souls by joining the choir and the carolling team.