We thank God for seeing our country through 55 years of independence with peace, safety and prosperity of our country. God has also given us a good government that has transformed our country from a third world to a first world country despite having no natural resources. With political stability over these years, it paved the way for our country to implement long term policies toward peace, safety and prosperity for our nation. In the latest general election the current government was returned to power. The changing political landscape, with differing aspirations of her population, reminds us not to take for granted the continued political stability of our country.
There are many challenges facing our country during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. We need to pray for wisdom for our leaders so that they can see our country and her people through this COVID-19 pandemic and emerge stronger than before as a country. It is important for our country to manage the COVID-19 pandemic to save lives, ensure jobs and livelihood. It is equally if not more important to do gospel work during this COVID-19 pandemic. One critical factor for gospel work is prayer. 1 Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” It is important to pray for our country and her government so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives. This peace allows Christians to do gospel work. Saving souls is the heartbeat of our LORD Jesus Christ. May we have the same heartbeat towards saving people from damnation in hell. May we have the same passion and heartbeat to share the glorious gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. What can we do?
Firstly, we can pray for the salvation of our loved ones. In our church weekly prayer meeting, we commit to God the salvation of friends and loved ones. You can join us in our weekly church prayer meet as we pray for them. By praying, we call on God to soften the hearts and provide opportunities for sharing the gospel. We know prayer works as we have seen results of people coming to salvation of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ through prayer.
Secondly, we can join the visitation program of our church. Our visitation program provides care and opportunities for sharing the gospel at the same time. We have seen testimonies of people coming to salvation through the perseverance of caring and visitation. If you are unable to visit their homes, you can also show care and concern by calling your friends and loved ones. Again, we have seen testimonies of people being saved through their care and their perseverance.
Thirdly, we must equip ourselves with the gospel and be always ready to share the gospel given the opportunity. We should equip ourselves by memorising scripture, particularly which concerns God, sin, death, judgment and salvation. We need to be ever ready to preach the gospel and seize every opportunity when it arises. There is no greater reward in doing the will of God than in the gospel work to save souls.
So, while we celebrate with our nation in her 55th National Day, may we rejoice for the peace, safety and the prosperity of our country. Let us continue to uphold our country in prayer as our leaders tackle the pressing issues of saving lives, jobs and livelihood, and position our country stronger in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, let us be mindful to do the more important task of winning souls. May God grant us success to see our country through this COVID-19 pandemic and bless us with many more years of peace and prosperity so that we can continue to do the gospel work!