Our Nation Celebrates 50 Years of Nation Building

Today, our nation celebrates 50 years of nation building.  The organizing committee has come up with a logo SG50 to commemorate this special milestone in our nation’s history.  According to the committee, SG50 represents the little red dot that we have come to know as home.  The logo celebrates the Singaporean spirit – signifying that our dreams are not limited by the physical size of our island. SG50 is also a call for the nation to celebrate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee.  As a mark of reaching this significant milestone, the president of Singapore has set 7th August as an extra day for celebration.  We thus have a jubilee weekend from 7th – 10th Aug to celebrate Singapore’s 50th Anniversary of Independence.

 There is a series of events lined up for the nation to celebrate this significant milestone of Singapore’s history culminating in our National Day Parade at the Padang.  I am sure many will be inspired by the spectacular performance display and the fireworks which will light up the night sky.

We thank God for blessing our nation with a competent, honest and God-fearing government.  A government who, under the leadership of the late Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, has transformed Singapore from a fishing village to a modern sophisticated cosmopolitan garden city.

We have good housing, great infrastructure, airport, sea port, clean water, and, clean and green landscape.  We have stability of leadership with well-planned leadership succession and a country that is free from natural disaster.

 We thank God for sound policies, which have helped, shaped our nation today.  We thank God for freedom of worship in this land.  We thank God for peace and safety of our country.

 We are reminded by Paul in 1 Timothy 2:1-4

 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,  who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth.”

 Let us continue to remember our government in prayer, that the  government will continue to be God-honoring and abide by policies which ensure peace, stability and growth for our nation.

 While God has given us the peace and freedom of worship, may we seize this great opportunity to witness and win souls for our Lord.  There is no task more rewarding than the work of evangelism.

 We will soon be having our annual gospel in a month’s time.  May we be mindful to pray and invite our family, loves ones, friends, colleagues and neighbours to our gospel rally. May we live and labour for our Lord.  Let us strive to live godly lives.  Through our conduct and speech, we can influence and win others to Jesus Christ our savior.

 As much as we give thanks to God for our nation, may we thank God for giving us good, honest and God-fearing leaders and government.  May we seize this opportunity of happiness, peace and prosperity that God has given us to win souls for our LORD.  There is no greater work than the work of evangelism. May God move our hearts that we will have compassion for the lost and live a life that will influence and attract others to Jesus Christ our Lord.