Some things may be very important but not urgent. For example, you are now 25 years old. But you know you need to save money for your old age. Is it urgent? As you are not about to retire anytime soon, you do not need this retirement fund. It is not urgent but important. If, however, you start to save money only when you are 64 years old, the task of saving money will become very important and very urgent. When something becomes very important and urgent, you are in big trouble. In the case of having enough money for retirement, you are in big trouble because it’s too late to save at 64 years old. Dear All, there are certain things that are not urgent now but are very important. Let me list down two things.
First, Quiet Time. You need to read your Bible daily and pray daily (Quiet Time). It is not urgent as you will not die just because you do not read the Bible. It is, however, very important. For each day that you do not do your Quiet Time, you will slowly but surely rot inside. You will not realise that you are rotting because sin chews you slowly but surely. It’s just like a small cancer cell that grows in you slowly. By the time you feel the pain, it’s too late. Similarly, sin will change you slowly. Your behaviour changes slowly. Your spiritual appetite lessens slowly. Your dressing changes slowly. Your appetite for sinful things increases slowly. By the time you realised it, you’ve turned into a spiritual monster. It’s too late. It has become a fourth stage spiritual cancer that is now ready to destroy your life.
Second, Judegment. This world will not last forever. In fact, the Bible says that we are in the last days. Jesus is coming soon. When He comes, He comes as a judge. For those who refuse to believe in Jesus, they will be punished in hell forever. Therefore, make sure you are a child of God. The best evidence that you are a Christian is “to produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Luke 3:8). Your holiness in life and love for the Lord assures you that you are a child of God. Good works do not cause you to become God’s child but it shows you are God’s child. When the Almighty Judge returns, He will judge you as to how you have lived your life. Did you serve Him faithfully? Did you love your Lord from your heart or is your life a self-centred life? Did you do the Lord’s will by being the light and salt of the world? The need to follow and serve the Lord faithfully does not seem to be urgent as it appears that the Lord is not coming tomorrow. If you think like that, be warned: “Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, ‘Where is this “coming” He promised?” (2 Pet. 3:3-4). When the Lord comes, He will judge your entire life, as to how you have lived your life starting with the day you became a Christian. The more time you spend in sin, the worse the consequences and rebuke from the Lord. If you did not live your life wisely, at the time of judgement, all will be too late. You no longer have time to serve and love the Lord. All is over, too late, too late, no more chance. But the Lord is not here yet. Hence, there is still some time left. Therefore, “understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (Rom. 13:11). Do the important things.